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“So doesn’t Remy know you are coming home?” Logan  asked as they settled into the limo.

“No, I haven’t said a word to her. Does Camille  know?” James asked as he pulled a bottle of water out of his duffle bag.

“Of course. You know she can read me like a book.” Logan  said with a grin.

“Couldn’t keep your mouth shut huh?” James  asked as he took a sip.

“No, I did good. She just knew something was up this morning.” Logan  said with a shrug, “She guessed and I was going to lie to her.”

“I haven’t talked to Remy  enough for her to guess.” James  said with a frustrated sigh. “This new job of hers is killing me more than her.”

“It will get better, man. Give it a few more weeks.”

“I hope so.” James  said staring out of the tinted window as the world whizzed by.


“See you in a few days man!” Logan  said from the darkness of the limo as James  walked toward his front door.

“See ya.” James  said throwing his hand up in the air. James  smiled as he noticed that all the lights in the house were off. She’s asleep. He said to himself as he opened the door quietly.

“Hey there little lady.” James  said quietly as Ricki, Remy’s Pomeranian  greeted him at the door. He picked her up as he dropped his suitcase to the floor. “Let’s go surprise mommy.” He said and made his way up the stairs.

He opened the bedroom door and was shocked when he found that the bed was empty and hadn’t been slept in all night. He looked at the clock, it was 1:27. James  felt his temper rise as the idea that he had tried to push out of his mind flashed before his eyes.


Across town, everyone laughed while singing “Happy Birthday” to Carlos  as he saw his birthday cake.

“Okay whose idea was it to get me this cake?” Carlos  asked looking around at all his friends. He turned his attention back to at the cake that was shaped like breast in a strawberry print bikini top.

“I’ll take the credit for it.” Justin , Carlos’ brother called from his seat. “I figure you aren’t getting any, you might as well get some on your birthday.”

Everyone cracked up at the brothers’ banter until Carlos stood up, “I want to thank everyone for coming to my birthday! This has been the best birthday I have had in years! Remy, Kendall, Juni thank you all so much! I know you three were the ones to set this up for me and I want you all to know that you are the best friends a guy could have.”

“No, he’s not drunk!” Juni  said laughing.

“No, not one bit!” Remy  replied.

“Oh shut up!” Carlos  said laughing.


“Thank you for bring me home.” Remy  said to Juni  about an hour later.

“You’re more than welcome. I’m proud you could come to the party, Carlos  has really been missing home and having you there helped him.”

“Well, he is one of my best friends. I’m not going to miss his birthday.”

“That’s what I thought you would say.” Juni  said as she pulled into Remy’s driveway. “Go on in. I’ll wait till you are inside before I leave.”

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now