Saying Goodbye

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"I don’t want you to leave"
"I know baby but it’s my job it’s what I do, it’s why you love me so much."
It was the beginning of summer and James was heading of for yet another tour. As much as you hated when he had to leave, he was right it’s his job and if it wasn’t for this job you never would have met him in the first place so you couldn’t complain.
You and james met a year ago when one of your friends dragged you to a big time rush concert. You didn’t know much about them just that they’re a boy band with a tv show. You were front row and when they played their song worldwide, a song you did actually know, James reached down and pulled you on stage and you were practically inseparable since, expect for of course when he had to leave for tour.
"But what if you meet some one else, some one prettier and smarter and cooler than me"
You questioned, playfully of course. You knew James would never leave you for someone else.
"That’s never going to happen"
James replied, pulling your face toward his and giving you a small sweet kiss.
"Prove it"
James turned you over so your back was against the bed, you were already naked from saying goodbye just a few minutes before. But that went quickly,now James was going to take his time in showing you just how much he loves you. Kissing your neck he made his way down your chest, his hands on your breast massaging them and making you moan. He continued kissing down your body, leaving a few red marks along the way till his head was between your legs which you had bent at your knees. Playfully he planted light kisses on the inside of each of your thighs then on your folds causing you to whine out in want and need. You hated when James teased you, but at the same time it made it so much better when he’d finally give you what you want. Lightly he ran his tongue up and down your folds and you knew you were going to have to beg for it.
"James, baby please"
You pleaded, grabbing a hand full of his beautiful brown hair and running your fingers through it, pushing his face closer to your center and James finally gave in. Darting his tongue out as deep into you as he could and fucking you with it in only a way he could. He continued working with his mouth, moving up to your clit and sucking on it every few seconds until your body began to shake under his hands which were placed on your hips to keep you still. Taking his pointer and middle finger inserting them with ease, using his tongue to flick your clit and send you over the edge, calling out his name.
You slumped back into the bed, your fingers still griping into the sheets beneath you. Oh how you were going to miss that.  James made his way back up your body planting soft kisses as he went till he was at your neck where he bit down hard earning a moan from you. Taking his tongue, he licked lightly over the teeth marks and up your neck and jaw to your lips. Grabbing a hold of your face in his hands and kissing you, it was wet and sloppy and amazing.
Deciding it was your turn to show James just how much you love him, you turned him over so his back was on the bed. Taking your hands and running them down his firm chest, kissing down his neck and chest just like he had to you. Leaving your own red marks. You continued till your face was directly in front of his full erection. Taking one hand and slowly running it up and down his shaft, licking lightly at the tip teasing him like he did to you. Then an idea popped in your head, you got off the bed making your way to one of your drawers you remembered that just the other day you bought some Sensations, a cream that when wet heats up and taste like your favorite flavor. You grabbed the tub, making your way back to James.
"Close your eyes?"
At first James was a little hesitant but trusting you he closed his eyes, his arms behind his head taking a deep breath. You kneel down between his legs, putting a dab of the goop on your hand and running it along his member.
"What the? Oh"
Jame’s sentence is caught off by the sudden feeling of your tongue running from the bottom of his length to the tip and you can feel him shutter at the sudden mixture of wet and heat.
"Oh god baby, do that again"
You do as he says, this time swirling your tongue around the tip. You continue teasing him, loving his reaction and the taste of the cream. You apply some more before taking him completely into your mouth causing his hips to thrust up into your face. You put your hands on them, pushing him down and keeping him still as you work your mouth around him. When you can feel him begin to shake under your hands, you hollow out your cheeks and suck hard, sending him over the edge. Swallowing all he has to offer, the taste of the cream and his come mixing together. James pulls you up kissing you and tasting himself on your tongue.
"Hmm, not bad"
He adds, pulling way.
"You’re disgusting"
 ”I’m going to have to remember that stuff for next time.”
"We’ll Maslow, if you dont fuck me already there wont be a next time
You added, with a playful wink. Laughing, James lied you down on the bed, pinning your hands above your head with one hand and spreading your legs with the other and running his fingers lightly on your folds.
"Some ones excited"
James’ voice was deep and his breath hot against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. He began running his teeth lightly on the skin of your neck, before biting down hard like before and slamming his full length into you.
"Fuck, James"
Your words came out almost as a scream at the sudden feeling of being completely stretched. He pulled out almost all the way before slamming all the way back in to the hilt. His pace was hard and fast, causing your head to spin with pleasure and pain. With every thrust going deeper than the last you didn’t know how much longer you could hold on, but every time your body began to shake and you could feel your self getting close James would  stop completely not letting you reach your release. After what seemed like a life time of waiting to come, you couldn’t take it any more and began to beg for it.
"J-james, come on, p-please let me come"
You managed to stutter out between moans.
A few more hard thrust from James and your hips hitting into his, you were both sent over the edge. Your names and moans filling the air.  James slowly pulled out of you, lying down on the bed and pulling you close to him, planking a light kiss on your neck where he had bit you a few minutes ago.
"Sorry about that baby, some times i can get carried away"
"It’s alright, You know i like it"
You look down at the two of you,your bodies covered in sweet and red bluchs and you begin to laugh.
"Look at us James, there is definitely no risk of either of us being stolen away. We look like fucking lepers"
You lie there in each others arms, laughing and joking until you fall asleep.

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now