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Lightning flashed through the windows as Rachel  arched her back in pleasure. She raked her nails up James's back as he thrusted his large, pulsating member inside of her.

"Ooooh James ," she moaned. "Oooh fuck me harder!"

James  pushed himself deeper inside of her. He let out a loud moan as Rachel's walls began to tighten around him. Rachel  breathed in deeply as she followed his rhythm with her hips. She let out a loud gasp as she felt herself reach her peak.

"Oooh! I'm cumming!" she shouted as she felt her warm juices spill out of her womanhood.

Rachel  reached her lips up to James's and wrapped her legs around his waist. She slowly sat herself up and gently rolled him over. Rachel straddled her legs over his waist and began to ride him. She twisted her hips around, fulfilling his every pleasure. James  let out a loud moan of enjoyment. Rachel  continued to thrust her hips up and down as James  moaned loudly. She recognized the expression on his face...she knew he was cumming. James  breathed in rapidly as he was coming closer to his orgasm. A loud clap of thunder roared, drowning out his loud moans. James  collapsed onto the bed and breathed heavily...his chest rose and fell as he caught his breath. Rachel  reached down and glided her tongue across his lips. She kissed him lightly and studied his face. Beads of sweat were dripping down his cheeks and bare chest. Rachel  rubbed her hands over his broad shoulders and strong arms. James  shifted his glance to her eyes and laid his hand on her cheek. Their lips were about to meet when Rachel suddenly heard the sound of a loud radio.

Rachel jolted awake to the sound of her alarm clock. She wrinkled her nose and yanked the alarm clock off the night stand, pulling it out of the plug in. She set the alarm clock down on the floor and snuggled back under the covers. She glanced over at James's side of the bed...he was not there. Ever since James  had been away on tour Rachel had been dreaming about her and James  making love every night. Only the last one was more realistic than most. She ran her hand over his side of the bed...it was cold and empty...exactly the way she felt when he was gone. Rachel  grabbed James's pillow and wrapped her arms around it. In her mind, she pretended it was James's warm body, pressed up against her...the way they woke up every morning, but only when he wasn't on tour. Thunder clapped from outside. The soft pitter patter sound bounced from the roof. Rachel  let out a sigh as she rolled over and sat up. She pressed her hand up on her head and she felt the headache from her hangover pound through her skull. She knew the numbness from the alcohol wouldn't last long, but she had no other way of easing her pain. Rachel  wrinkled her forehead as she got out of bed. She staggered her way to the bathroom and dug in the medicine cabinet for some Tylenol PM. She pulled two of them about of the bottle and filled up a Dixie cup with water. She took the two PMs and went back to the bed. Rachel  got back under the covers and signed as she listened to the rain. Her heart ached as she heard the rain falling, the thunder clapping loudly, and lightning flashing through the window. She closed her eyes as she remembered the last time she and James  made love...it was on his private beach behind the house on the night before he left. It was raining that night...the greatest night of her life. Tears came to her eyes as she buried her face into her pillow. She let out a loud sigh then drifted off to sleep.

The day had passed and night had taken over. After laying around the house all day, Rachel  decided it was time to take a shower. Rachel stood in the shower and let the hot, steamy water fall over her body. The steam filled the shower as she closed her eyes and remembered the last time she and James  were in the shower together. She remembered everything about that night. The touch of his lips, the linger of his kisses, the sound of his voice…everything about him clung to her like a magnet. Her heart sunk down as she remembered him confessing to her that she couldn't go on tour with him. His management had made strict orders to not bringing girlfriends or wives with them on tour this year. Her body ached as she longed for his touch. Rachel  finished her shower and stepped out. She changed into her pajamas and laid down on the cold, empty bed. She sighed and settled herself under the covers. She closed her eyes and soon she drifted off to sleep.

During her sleep she began to dream about her and James  making love on the beach. Rachel  rolled around the bed and called James's name into the darkness. Rachel  rolled back over on her back and panted as if James  were really there. Her hand slowly crept between her legs. She slowly inserted her finger into her fold and began to finger herself. She moaned softly as she continued to dream...not aware that James  was standing at the door. Rachel  breathed in heavily as she felt her walls tightened around her finger. She let out a whimper as she felt her orgasm stop...not knowing that James  had climbed onto the bed and pulled her hand away from in between her legs. Rachel  let out a sigh or relief as she felt James  insert his hard, pulsating dick inside of her.

"Oooooh James !" she called. "Go faster!"

James  thrusted his hips up against her. He let out soft moans as he felt her tighten up around him. James  panted with ecstasy as he planted butterfly kisses across her neck. Rachel  let out a loud moan as she moved up closer to him. She arched her back as she felt herself come to her orgasm.

"Ooooh! Ooooh! Oooh!" Rachel  cried. "Oooh James !"

James  continued to make love to her as she raked her nails down his back. She screamed in ecstasy as she climaxed then released herself onto him. Rachel  breathed in heavily then opened her eyes. She looked at James  in shock and sat up.

"James ?"

James  smiled and held her close. "Hey baby," he whispered.

"What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming home until the end of the week."

"I came home early," he said as he climbed off of her and laid down on the other side of the bed.

"Oh...," Rachel  drifted off. "Did we just..."

James  chuckled and nodded. "You look like you needed and extra hand."

Rachel  giggled in embarrassment. "I guess I missed you a little much."

James  smiled and held her close to him. "I guess I did too. You looked so tempting, I couldn't help myself."

Rachel  rolled over and faced him. She looked at him and smiled when she noticed her was still hard.

"You didn't finish," she said softly.

"I wasn't worried about me," he stated.

"I am," Rachel  said as she kissed him and ran her hand down his penis.

James  softly moaned as she continued to jerk him off. She couldn't help but giggle when he jumped a little as she reached down and circled her tongue around the tip of his penis. Very carefully, she enveloped her mouth over his dick and sucked lightly as she slid up. She pressed her tongue harder against his dick and slid back down. James  placed his hands on her head and laid back on his pillow. He moaned loudly as she continued to please him orally. His hips bucked a little as she began to fondle his balls as he licked his penis. Rachel  sped up her pace and he grunted loudly. She could taste the sweetness of his cum in her mouth. James  let out a loud sigh of relief then gently pulled her away from his penis. Rachel  smiled and laid beside him. She propped herself up with her right arm planted a soft kiss on his lips.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," James  replied. "I always will. And next time we go on tour...I don't care what my mangers say, you're coming with me."

Rachel  smiled and laid her head on his chest. She closed her eyes and relaxed as James  ran his fingers through her hair. She could feel the vibrations in his chest as he softly hummed the tune to the Journey song "Love Somebody ." Rachel  smiled and soon drifted off to sleep in the security of James's arms

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