New York

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After another concert, all James  wanted to do was go back to his hotel room and talk to his girlfriend. The guys had been on tour for over four months and he missed her terribly. They would talk on the phone when they could, but between his and her schedule it was getting harder and harder to find time to talk. Laila was a publicist for Hollywood Records, that's how they met. She was the guys' publicist.

He could still remember the first day he saw her. She walked into the conference room, wearing black dress pants, a see through black top with a black spaghetti tank top under it, and black high heels. Everything about her was perfect, her hair, her smile, her personality. Once he got to know her, he found out that she was really down to earth. He found out that she had come from meager beginnings; Laila  had worked her way up. She had received her Bachelor's degree from Brown University. She worked hard to get to where she was and that made her all more attractive for him.

James finally reached his room and shut the door behind him. He walked over the desk and flipped open his laptop.

"Damn, she isn't online." He ran his hand through his hair. "Where in the hell could she be?"


As the laptop warmed up, Laila  got herself comfortable. She started webcam, hoping he would be waiting for her.

"Well, no James, but he left the webcam on." Laila  took a sip of her wine. "Where could he be?"


James  stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel off the rack. He wrapped it around his waist. Wiping off the moist from the mirror with his hand, James  looked at his reflection. He ran his hands through his hair. A memory came to him as he stood there.

James  wiped off the mirror and combed his hair. He looked at his likeness in the mirror.

He felt two arms around his waist and he smiled. "How was your shower?"

"It would have been better if you would have joined me."

"Next time, but in the meantime we could have some fun now." Laila  ran her hands down James's chest, stopping at the edge of the towel.

James  turned to face her. "What did you have in mind?"

"This." Laila  kissed him as she undid his towel and it fell to the floor.

James  closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Damn, sometimes I hate touring." He replied as he walked out of the bathroom.


Laila  watched as James  came out of the bathroom only wearing a towel. The towel hanged low on his hips, showing all the cuts on his body. His skin glistened from his shower as he dried his hair with another towel. He looked amazing; all of the boxing was paying off. She could see his six packs from the webcam. Her body started to become warm from just watching him. James  tossed the other towel on the bed as he looked for some clothes.

"You are such a tease, Jamie ." Laila  reached for her luggage and smiled. "But two can play this game." She quickly turned off her webcam.


"James , are you there?" Laila  asked looking into the screen of her laptop.

"Lai, finally! Where were you?" James  stated as he said down in front of his laptop, fully clothed.

"I'm so sorry, baby, but my meeting ran late and then my boss was talking off my ear. Trust me; I would rather be here, talking to you." She brushed back a loose strand of hair. "How is everything?"

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now