Elevator A Little Higher

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The buzzing of your alarm clock abruptly pulled you from your dreamy haze, throwing you into reality. You groaned, searching for your snooze button blindly. You pressed it and sighed. You were having the best dream.

You closed your eyes, reliving the intimate moment. The hands running up your thighs, caressing you as his tongue slipped past your lips. Your clit tingled with want as he took your bottom lip between his teeth, sucking and biting the soft flesh. You gasped, pulling away. Before you could open your eyes he was kissing and sucking, starting with your neck and working his way down, between your breasts, across your stomach…

Suddenly, your alarm clock blared out, roughly pulling you from your fantasy once again. You shut off the alarm, deciding to take a shower from being so hot and bothered.

You rushed into the office, late from lingering in the shower, trying to get rid of the aching desire consuming you. You knew it would only take a man and a good ten minutes for the release you were craving. You inwardly sighed, it was only Monday and you had an eight hour work day ahead of you.

“Hey Melanie,” You called to the white-haired secretary as you entered the lobby.

“Oh honey, I wouldn’t take the elevator.” She warned as you pressed the call button. “Thing has been making weird noises all morning. I got tech on the line now.”

“I’ll be fine,” You argued. “I’m already late and I’m on the top floor.” The doors opened and you stepped inside.

“At your own risk dear.” She said, turning back to her desk.

Just as you hit the button marked ‘8’ a voice called out “Hold the door!”

You automatically threw your hand out, stopping the metal doors from closing. A tall, well-built man with brown hair and stylish glasses jogged over.

“Thanks,” He said, passing you into the elevator. The rugged smell of his cologne had your center tingling in anticipation, desire flowing through you.

“No problem. Floor?” You managed.

“Eight.” He said, nodding at the number already highlighted.

“I haven’t seen you around. Are you new?” You asked as the doors slid closed.

“My first day. And I’m already late.” He chuckled. The elevator began wheezing and cranking as it made its slow climb to the top floor.

“Welcome to the wonderful world of business... my name is Melanie.” You said, holding out your hand and introducing yourself.

“I’m James.” He replied, shaking your hand firmly. You let go, but he held on, flipping your hand over to reveal the black ‘x’ on the top.

“Well look at that. Go to the club often?” He mocked.

You groaned. Of course it hadn’t washed off in the shower.

“That’s none of your business,” You teased, pulling your hand back.

He smirked down at you, taking you in from head to toe, as if seeing you in a new light.

“I bet you’re a great dancer.” He replied.

You raised an eyebrow at the double meaning.

“Want me to show you just how good I am?” You asked with a sudden air of confidence. You usually weren’t this cocky, but something about this tall, dark stranger brought it out in you. Just being in this small space with him had you insanely turned on, the most inappropriate thoughts running through your head.

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