Changes My Baby

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I fought back the tears that begged fall. I promised myself that I wouldn’t cry, no matter what would happen.

Taking a deep breath, I turned back, staring down the empty hall before me. Everyone was out on the field, waiting for the game to start. The game that could possibly be the end of everything I loved.

I pushed open the heavy door, clambering into the hot room. It reeked of axe and sweat, but I ignored it all. I was on a mission.

“Chick in the room!” The guy nearest to me yelled, grabbing for a towel and wrapping it over himself. Everyone around did the same, scrambling around for their clothes, afraid to show anything. I had no interest in any of them, except for one.

“James.” I said, watching as he turned his head at the sound of my voice, his face changing from all smiles to shock. I was the last person he expected to see.

He sat there speechless, a towel wrapped around his waist as water dripped down his muscular chest. I tore my eyes away from his body. Now was not the time to get distracted.

After a few moments, James started to open his mouth, but nothing came out. He saw the hurt in my eyes and the redness that rimmed them. “Sweetheart…” He whispered, before gaining control of his emotions. “Hey everyone! Could you give us like 20 minutes please?” 

“But the game starts in an hour dude!” One of his team mates yelled.

“I don’t fucking care when it starts Kendall. Just get the fuck out of here.”

“Alrighty captain.” The short latino boy Carlos obeyed, ushering everyone out of the room and following in suit behind them.

“Honey what’s wrong?” he cooed, standing up and wrapping his arms around me, but I pushed him away.

“Nothing James, just…just…”

“What? Is it the game? What is it?”

“Everything’s changing.” I sniffled. Dammit, I told myself I wouldn’t cry.

“Nothing’s changing Babe, everything is the same as it’s always been. What are you talking about?”

“You James, I’m talking about you. Tonight’s game is going to change our lives. There are scouts here from all the major universities in the country. They are all going to want you.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Everything!” I cried, the tears now flowing. “Don’t you realize this our last year together? As soon as we get handed those diplomas we’re done for. Maybe we should just end it now James.”

James face fell. His arms fell to his sides and he turned away from me, pacing back and forth, calming himself enough to speak. “You don’t mean that.”

“But I do James, its for the best.”

“No! It’s not! You can’t just do this. Especially now of all times! You can’t just end this.”

“Yes I can.” I rubbed at the tears under my eyes, my fingers smeared with eyeliner as I pulled away.

“But…after everything we’ve been through, you’re ending it because you’re scared?”

“I’m not scared, I’m being realistic James. It’s not like we were going to last forever.”

“We could have though! I love you, more than any other girl! And you’re just going to leave me? Please, please don’t leave me. Not now. Not ever.” James was begging now. No matter how hard I tried to fight him, he pulled me in for a hug, crushing me between his arms and rubbing his hands up and down my back slowly. I sobbed into his chest as I clutched onto him for dear life. 

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