A Great "Position " To Be In

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"Miss Johaness, I presume?" Said a woman behind the desk. "Um...yes. I'm here for the secretary field. Is it full, or..." The woman got up out of her seat, and walked to Brynn , placing her hand on her shoulder.

"No, not at all. In fact, we weren't sure that you were going to be in. Plus, your boss' name is Mr. Maslow . He should be fun to work with. Welcome aboard." The woman extended her hand to Brynn , and she humbly shook her hand, smiling with eyes closed. "Thank you, Ms. Smithtown . Thank you so much!" As Ms. Smithtown smiled again at her, she pointed down the hall. "Your office is down the hall and to the left. You can't miss it." Brynn nodded, shook her hand again, and walked down the hall, ready to work.

Brynn was now in her office, typing away on her laptop, with a smile on her face. A few minutes passed, and her intercom rang. "Gloria, I need that report today." Brynn looked over, and pressed the speaker. "Um...Miss Hernandez quit. I'm Brynn Johaness, the new secretary..." "I didn't ask for your life story, just bring me the report, today." She sat back in her seat, looking at the intercom.

Brynn walked down the hall, with a folder in her hand. She took a deep breath, though she didn't know why, and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" Asked the man. "Brynn Johaness?" "I'll buzz you in..." As the door opened, she looked in, and was overwhelmed with the size of the office. In front of her, was a big, black office chair turned away, the person in it was facing the window. "Um...here's your report, Mr. Maslow . Right on time, and-"

Mr. Maslow turned around in his chair, and he took her breath away. The first thing she saw, was his smoldering hazel eyes, and his near spiky hair. As he got up, she saw that he wore an all black suit. He walked up to her, and took the folder from her hand. "Thank you very much, Ms. Johaness. So..." He looks her up and down.

"You're my new secretary, huh?" Brynn was speechless. "I'm talking to you, Ms. Johaness." "Ye-yeah. I am. Um, I might as well be on my way now..." "I didn't dismiss you. Come here..." Mr. Maslow took her hand, and led her to a chair that sits across from his seat. She sits down, and looks around, then her eyes travel back to him. "Did you want anything else, Mr. Maslow ?" "Please..." He began in a whisper. "Call me James ." "Done."

"So, how long have you been here?" "It's my first day." "I see..." James gets up, and slowly walks behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders thumbing each one. "Do you love your job so far?" Brynn looks up at his face. "It's been a dream of mine to work at the building..." "That's good..." James leaned down, and started to kiss her neck. Brynn jumped at his lips first contact.

"James ...I'm...I'm not that kind of girl..." He swivelled her chair, facing him, both his hands are on the arms of it, gripping it. "I can tell that you want me...Is that true?" Brynn just looked into his eyes, for she was absolutely speechless and lost. James then extended his tongue to her neck, nibbling it a little. Brynn absentmindedly implanted her hands in his hair. "Tell me...are you a good fucker?" "You be the judge of that, Mr. Maslow ..." "Done..." James leans down a little bit, and slips her shirt off, revealing her supple breasts.

When he saw them, he smiled, and started to massage them. Brynn moaned at his touches, and felt herself becoming wet. "Are you getting wet for me?" Brynn opened her eyes, and leaned in to kiss him, but he placed his finger on her lips. "Ahh ahh ahh...not yet. Get on the desk, now." Brynn didn't hesitate at his words, and got on the desk, lying down. "Sit up...I want you to see me eat you out..." She couldn't believe what was happening, though she didn't care, knowing that she wanted to jump his bones the moment she saw him.

It was something about James Maslow that was irresistible to her. James walked to her, and pulled her skirt up, and slowly pulled her panties down. He was driving her insane. All she wanted was to feel his cock deep inside her, and he's playing around. She hated that in a man, but she just thought, 'what the fuck?' Let him do what he wanted. James widened her legs, and extended his tongue to her hot exposed flesh. Brynn shifted on the desk, throwing her head back.

"Oh, fuck...right there..." She pleaded. James looked up at her with his eyes now a dark hazel . As he continued, she bit her lower lip, containing her moans. He then delved his tongue inside her wet and eager hole, going fast. He was now fucking her with his tongue. Her insides were starting to turn to mush at every sensation he gave her. Brynn snaked her hand in his hair, gripping it lightly.

"Oh shit...Jamie ...Make me cum..." James stops. This was something that she did NOT want. Brynn looked down at him, with a sad look on her face. "Oh, I'll make you cum alright...Make you cum hard..." He forcefully rips her skirt off, "and intense..." He said in a deep voice that made her shiver in ecstasy.

James took off all of his clothes, and got on top of Brynn , the tip of his hard penis hovering over her stomach. "Do it...Fuck me...please..." James's hands were now on either side of the desk above her head. Within seconds, he plunged his cock inside of her, going fast.

She instantly wrapped her legs around his waist, pushing him into her more. "More...I want more..." She pleaded again. "God, I love it when you plead..." Nick went inside of her more and more, which caused her to moan loudly. " Ja-James...I'm gonna cum..." She cried, biting her lower lip, clenching her eyes closed. "Come on, baby...let it go...Cum..." As if under his power, she came viciously around him, her orgasm splashing against flesh. James's face contorted, for he was about to cum as well. He screamed her name, cumming deep inside of her. He kept thrusting into her, until he grew soft inside of her. Now all sweaty, James lay atop of her, stroking her hair.

"Oh, Brynn...that was..."

"I know."

"So...what's the next destination?"

"The restaurant down the street...you always said you wanted to be an Exhibitionist."


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