Dinner Is Serve

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James: Hey whatcha doin?

Y/N: Dinner, lasagna and a salad, you hungry?

James: Very! Hurry up!

Y/N: It'll be done in a sec

James: Ok Ill be in the living room


You walk into the living room where James is watching T.V. "Hey dinner is ready" you said while grabbing the remote control and turning off the T.V-

James: There has been a change of plans

Y/N: Oh really? What do you have in mind?

James grabs you by the waist and pulls you down to him making you sit on his lap. You straddle him with your legs as he pulls you in for a kiss. You put your arms around his neck as he has a firm grip on your waist. The kiss gets more heated by the second and you feel James licking your bottom lip so you open your mouth giving him the satisfaction. A few minutes rolled by with your make out session when you felt your shirt being lifted. You raised your arms to make it easier for James to take it off. You did the same to him and soon enough you were both naked on the couch.

Y/N: I need you James, like right now

James: Ok baby, you ready?

Y/N: Yeah just get in me

James: Feisty huh?

Y/N: Get to it Maslow

With that James entered you slowly getting a little moan from you. He grabbed your waist making you go up and down, you riding him. His pace became faster making you let out frequent moans. He pulled out completely and then entered you with all his might hitting your G spot. You screamed out in pleasure yelling his name. You started a make out session again and this time he went down your neck living love bites along your neck. He went down to your collarbone and then down to your breasts. He took a hold of them and then sucked on your nipple filling you with pleasure.

Y/N: Oh- My God J-j-james Im so close

James: YEAH! mmm... me too lets cum together ok

Y/N: AHHH- I-I-I can't take it anymoreee

James: OK lets do this on the count of three

You both reached your orgasm at the same time James releasing in you

James: Oh my God babe, that was amazing

Y/N: Totally agreed

James: I love you

Y/N: I love you too.

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now