Get The Phone

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The familiar lyrics of James by allstart weekend came blasting out of your phone again for the 10th time tonight and you let it go straight to voice mail. You and James had gotten in a fight all because some fans had caught you talking to another guy and photos where circulating all of the web. You told James he was just a friend from work, which was the honest truth. You knew that it wasn’t that James didn’t believe you, he was just overly protective sometimes. So there you sat there in your own apartment for what was probably the first time since you and James met over a year ago and it was nights like this you were glad you kept it. This time you heard a Bing of your voice mail alert and you picked up your phone, pushing the 1 then your password.
"It’s James, pick up your phone, answer your text, anything."
You deleted the message and decided it was best just to turn off your phone for the night, curling up in a ball in your bed and falling asleep. You woke up the next morning to the sun shinning through your window confused as to where you were, then it hit you, your fight with James. You turned your phone back on to 5 new text, three from James, one from your mom who he had apparently called, and one from Kendall and 2 more missed calls also from James. You got out of bed, not bothering to change, brushed your teeth and headed out the door. Even though you were still so mad at James for the way he acted you felt bad for making him worry all night. Slowly, you opened the door to James’ apartment, thinking he’d still be asleep. You didn’t want to wake him, but your surprised to see him sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar.
"Where the fuck have you been?"
James asked turning around to face you, a look of both anger and worry on his face and before you could answer James was up off his seat pressing your body into the wall behind you with his. His lips pressed hard into yours and you hadn’t realized how much you missed that feeling in one night. You brought your hands up to wrap around his head, but he grabbed them pinning them on the wall above your head.
"Don’t touch me
"W- what?" You stumbled over your question, confused.
"I’m still angry with you and I need to release that anger and if you touch me It’ll just disappear, so don’t touch me."
James answered and you could feel the heat of anger from his body on you, but you weren’t scared. You know he’d never hurt you, not intentionally and you did as he said.
Then his lips were back on yours, keeping your hands in their place. He kissed down your jawline to your neck and leaving a reddish purple mark on the curve between your neck and shoulder causing you to moan. You could feel him growing hard again your leg from under his tight black briefs and you wanted to badly to touch him, but the fact that you couldn’t was making it all the more hotter. James released your hands as he pulled your shirt off over your head, your bare chest.  Continued to kiss down your body, his hands followed in the path massaging your breast. Then when he was kneeling on the floor he pulled down your sweats, to reveal that you weren’t wearing anything underneath. Pushing apart your legs and taking a hold of your hips squeezing hard enough to leave bruises, he darted his tongue out pushing as far into your center as he could from his position and you let out a gasp as the sudden feeling. Not taking the time to tease you he continued to fuck your wet center with his tongue until your legs began to shake from underneath you. Wanting so badly to run your fingers through his hair, but you didn’t dare because you were sure as soon as you did he’d stop. Knowing you were getting close, James pushed two fingers into you, flicking your clit with his tongue and finally sending you over the edge calling out his name as he replaced his fingers with his tongue again, working you through your orgasm.
You slumped back against the wall, unable to hold yourself up any longer but James wasn’t finished. Standing in front of you, your face inches from the fully hard erection still hidden behind his briefs.
"Take them off"
James stated, quit demanding.
"But I thought you didn’t want me to touch you."
You add looking up at him from your spot on the floor, now on your knees which you knew was his favorite way to have you.
"I do, but I can’t. So do it like this…"
James took both of your pointer fingers in his hands and you got the hint. Taking them and putting them underneath the top of the fabric and pulling them down, but in stead of doing to it quickly like he told you to, you pulled them down slowly letting them run along the inside of his thighs and down his legs.
James interrupted your thoughts, pulling your up off the floor and stepping all the way out of his briefs and kicking them to the side. He pushed you back against the wall, like before. Pulling your legs up so they wrapped around his waist and slamming hard into you causing your back to hit into the wall with every thrust. His mouth sucking hard on your skin and you were sure you were going to look like some kind of leper afterwords. He continued to push harder with every thrust, causing you to call out his name along with a few choice words. It didn’t take long before you both where reaching your points of climax and you needed to hold on to something, anything. Not caring what James did, you grabbed a hold of his shoulders running your nails down his back making him call out in a mixture of pleasure and pain.
"James..I’m so close im gonna.. fuck"
"Oh fuck baby, me too"
And with one last hard truth you where both sent over the edge, continuing to push your hips together to ride it out.  Walking you both back toward the couch in your living room, James flopped down pulling you on top of him.
"I’m sorry baby, for every thing."
"I know James and I’d apologize for not coming home, but wow that was well worth it." You let out with a laugh. "But really, I am sorry"
You lay like that for a moment in silence before James speaks again.
"You know you’re a bad girl"
You can hear the seduction in his voice and you’re wondering what exactly it is he’s up to now.
"and hows that?"
"I told you not to touch me, and you did. So I think some one needs punished"
James answers, pulling you off of him and laying you down so your back is to him. He grabs a handful of your ass, before taking his hand and slapping your right ass cheek hard, earning another moan from you.

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