Surprise Date with James

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James where are you taking me?” you ask as he blindfolds you and helps you get into the car. The only thing that you knew about today was that your boyfriend James had promised to take you out on the most romantic date ever and that you were supposed to keep your day free from 5pm on. He also told you to wear jeans, sneakers, and a shirt that you wouldn’t mind getting dirty. Mixed signals much? How could you two possibly be going on a romantic date and be wearing the clothes that he described? But you decided to keep quiet and find out why when the time was right.

“Shhhhhh.” James replies and he pushes a single finger against your lips and then bends down to kiss you before closing your car door. You can hear him walking around the car to the driver’s side. And then he slides in next to you and starts the engine. “You’ll find out soon enough where we are going babe. You’re just going to have to trust me.”

He then backs out of the driveway and you’re off on your mystery date.

“So can I at least get a clue to where we are going?” you plead with him.

“The clothes that I told you to wear are the only clue that I’m giving you this time darling. And just to make sure that you can’t see anything, how many fingers am I holding up?” James questions.

“Dude you already know that I can’t see! And even if I could see you better not be holding up any fingers since one of your hand is on top of mine and the other should be on the wheel” you reply sarcastically.

James lets out a chuckle, turns on the radio, and keeps his hand on your hand for the entire 20 minute drive.

Finally the car stops and he takes the keys out of the ignition.

“Are we here?” you ask curiously. “Can I take off my blindfold now?” You begin to reach for the blindfold when suddenly you feel James’s hands grab yours.

“Nope the blindfold stays on!” James demands. “We have to do a tiny bit of walking and then you can take it off.”

You sigh dramatically still extremely confused but becoming more excited with every passing minute. He grabs your hand and begins to lead you to your destination. You can feel your feet sinking slightly into whatever surface you’re walking on and after 5 minutes James stops, takes you hand, and places it on top of something soft. That something shakes and you instinctively pull back even more confused than before. James laughs and finally takes the blindfold off of your face.

You’re at the beach and the sun is beginning to set over the horizon. In front of you stands a big beautiful brown horse, ready to be ridden. You turn to your boyfriend James and behind him is another horse, saddled up and ready to go. “James this is amazing!!!” you exclaim as you take everything in.

“Glad you like it but it’s just the beginning.” James helps you get up on top of the horse and the climbs up on top of his. The two of you ride down the beach along the water’s edge with the sun still slowly setting in the background.

“So you said that this was only the beginning?” you ask James as you continue to ride along. “What more could there possibly be?”

He turns to look at you and smiles. “Look further down the path. Tell me what you see.” It’s beginning to get darker and you do as he says. At first you see absolutely nothing but then you see a light flickering a little further down the beach.

“What’s that light down there?” you question James.

“Race me down there and you’ll find out faster!” James yells and then you’re both off! Racing down the beach to the glowing light. Suddenly you come to a stop and a surprised gasp escapes your lips. James is already off of his horse and he walks over to help you down. He ties the horses off to the side and comes back over, giving you a passionate kiss and literally sweeping you off of your feet.

“James this is beautiful” you say as you look at the beautiful dinner he has set up. There’s a bunch of little candles surrounding a cute little sitting area filled with pillows.

As he gently sets you down he replies “No you’re beautiful this is just my way of telling you that I love you more than anything in this world.”

The two of you spend the night cuddling under a blanket on the beach, listening to the waves break on the beach, drinking champagne, and star gazing.

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