Breaking In The New Apartment

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James  couldn't remember what had possessed him to go out into town without a bodyguard. Or even what had possessed him to go without a hat to pull down over his head. Everyone knew that the Big Time Rush were giving a concert that night, and that they had arrived last night. So now, running for his life, was something he should have expected.

He just knew that he had to get out of the hotel, away from the other guys, away from the promoters, away from everyone. "It's the fans I can't escape from, though," he thought as he sped around the corner and down an alley.

It was dark in here, the sun blocked by the tall older buildings and warehouses. He saw boxes and trash cans lying around and thought that maybe he could hide under one of those, but the smell drove him back. Instead, he saw a fire escape hanging down, and jumped up, his over 6 foot tall frame quickly catching on the metal ladder and pulled it down. Then climbed it rapidly, pulled the ladder up, and scrambled up two flights of stairs, before the small mob of girls came racing around the corner. He leaning back against the wall, silently praying that none of them looked up. His wish was granted.

As he watched the last stragglers tear around the far curve of the alley, he realized that it was only a matter of time before they returned. He had to find somewhere to hide. He walked along the fire escape, finally coming to an open door, and slipped in.

Jennafer  hummed a tune to herself as she made a peanut butter and jam sandwich in the small kitchen. Not a kitchen really, more of a galley. But who cared? She was in her OWN apartment, eating food she had made with her OWN hands. No more parents peering over her shoulders demanding to know what she was doing. And, even better, no more Andy telling her that that she wasn't good enough for him.

She shook her dark chocolate brunette  hair off of her shoulders. She wasn't going to think about that. She had given him everything and he had still left her. Left for that slut he worked with at the video store. She could still remember the sight of them, up against the wall in the back room, among the porno movies appropriately enough, fucking each other. And he thought she wasn't good enough for him? Ridiculous.

Now she was free. To make her own choices. To live her own life. To eat her own sandwich.

She turned, going back into the large room that served as both living room and bedroom, and was surprised to see a tall brun man back in through the back door that she had left open in order to get more air flowing through the dwelling.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my apartment?" she asked angrily, then gasped as he spun around.

"Oh great," he thought as he saw the recognition flash across her green eyes. "Out of the frying pan into the fire."

"I am sorry. I was just looking for a place to hide for a few minutes."

Behind him she could hear the sound of girls calling and looked out the window, down at the crowd of teenagers who were walking along the alley.

"You better get away from the door then," she said, drawing him deeper into the room, and pulling the door closed. Then, remembering her manners, she introduced herself and offered him her sandwich.

He laughed, his eyes taking in her slight frame. "No, its okay. Thank you. You don't mind if I just sit for a little while. Until they are gone?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "whatever."

He looked around the small, bare room, and at the boxes stacked in the corner. "You just moved in?"

"Yeah. My first apartment."

James  noted how much her eyes lit up when she answered. "Lucky you."

"Umm. Look, I know who you are. So what are you doing in this part of town?"

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