Private Party

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It was a hot summer's night in Los Angeles. The stars were burning bright, and the moon decided to show it's lustrous body though it was sticky hot. On that very night, my brother was throwing his 25th birthday party at his condominium.

A blast was sure to come, since he's very eccentric. In other words, my brother is a wild child. Me and my fiance arrived at his house at 8pm, just in time for the drinks to be served. We walk in, and the house was almost packed with people; friends, family, his colleagues at his law firm.

He needed relief from that strenuous job, so what better way to do that than to get wasted on your birthday? "I don't see Kendall anywhere, James..." I say sifting through the crowd with my eyes.

"Don't worry, baby, he'll turn up..." He held my hand, gripping at it tightly. "I wonder how this party will turn know my brother." "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do...wild and crazy just as you described." Together, we walk all the way into the house, still trying to find him. Finally, he emerges from the kitchen with two champagne glasses in his hands.

"Lara! Glad you could make it!" He walks to me, and hugs me and at the same time, trying not to spill the drinks. I smile, sitting down on the couch, James  sitting next to me. "I'm so glad I could make it...I thought I wasn't able to..." I look over at my fiance getting a sly smile in response. "Don't tell me. You two are already breaking in your little love nest?" "You know it," he said with the same smile still intact. "You guys are made for one another, you know that? A true one of a kind couple." I look over at James, placing my hand on his thigh. "I guess you can say that, Kenny..."

The party started to simmer down a little, and several people were drunk and ready to go.

"This was a great party, Kenny..." "Thanks a bunch, Lara. Would you like some more wine?" "Oh, no...I can't drink another bite ...Did I just say that?" I say in a slurred tone, then started to laugh. "I got somethin' you can bite, baby..." I turn around towards my fiance and see his expression: a cocked eyebrow, and his eyes looking up and down at my body. "James, not in front of my brother..." "Your brother is out like a light, babe..." I turn around to Kendall , and see him passed out on the couch.

"Eh, I guess the party's over..." I get up to grab my coat, but I feel a hand wrapped around my arm. "Not yet, it isn't..." I look down at him, puzzled. "I don't get it..." "'ll get it...follow me..." I watch him get up, and he lures me to the kitchen. "Your brother has a walk-in pantry, right?" I slowly nod in affirmation, still puzzled.

"Why would you want to see my brother's patented spic--" FINALLY, it clicked in my noggin. "James here..." "Shhhh..." and I'm instantly silent. He pulls me into the pantry, and closes the door. "If you keep quiet, no one will know we're here..."

I bite my lower lip, bottling in the anticipation and fear of getting caught. What a sight that would be, huh? Two drunk people in a pantry sharing a quick fuck. "Since this was your idea to fuck in different places than our bedroom...I was thinking what better place than the pantry. We could 'spice' things up a bit..."

He was never good with sexual puns, but he tries his best. "Against the" "Yes, sir..." I say, doing as he commanded. He slowly walks toward me, the look of lust and desire for me brushed against his face. He holds my hips tightly, then glides his hands upon my ass, clenching it.

He pulls me to his hard, naked chest; his eyes examining every inch of me. "This is gonna be fun..." he says to me in a deep whisper, then kisses my neck, tugging at my collar. "I want this thing off...but we don't have that kind of time..." "Just fuck me."

James  flashes his infamous grin at me once again, and lifts my legs up, wrapping them around his waist. I reach down, unbuckling his pants, pulling them down. At last, his growing cock was released from its tight confines. James  reached underneath my legs, snatching my panties down. "Wet, I see..." I see him lick his lips, looking down at my heated flesh. He's most famous in bed as a tease, but right now, teasing is complete torture.

But while in my thoughts, he plows into me, going at a steady pace. The sound of our fleshy organs pounding into each other drove us to a place we've never been in. I clasp onto his shoulders, tossing my head softly against the wall, moaning loud.

Believe me, I tried not to, but it's hard to do so when a man is diving in and out of you at a fast and feverish pace. "Oh, fuck, that feels good..." I hear him say in a whisper, letting out a throaty growl from within. In an instant, and too soon, I feel myself contract around him. "Fuck me, James ....fuck m--" With one hand against the wall, and the other holding up my leg, he pounds my aching core harder and harder.

"Oh, Fuck! I'm gonna cum..." "Yeah...that's it, baby....let it go...I wanna feel you cum around me..." That did it. His strong coarse language made me lose all control...I came viciously around his swollen cock, shivering in his arms. I then feel his explosion hit my core full force, and I hear him scream out 'fuck' loud as hell. Our essence intermingle with one another; our bodies cooling down from our heated rendezvous.

"Baby...that was..."

"I know, love..."

"We have GOT to do this again...and next time, out in the open..."

"Kendall's patio?"

"'re quite the exhibitionist, aren't you?"

"I learned from the best..."

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