Smooth Move

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“You’re doing it” He shouted from the waves as you stood on the surfboard riding the wave James had helped you catch.

 The grin spread across your face as you rode to the beach and slipped off the board into the water.

“LANA” He was right by your side pulling you into a hug.

“James that was amazing” you giggled into his ear.

“You did well, it only took all day” he laughed. You hit his chest playfully.

“I wanna go again” you say leaning against him.

“Lana, we’ve been in the water all day” He laughed pushing your hair from your face.

“Please James pleeeease” You pout looking up at him.

“Fine” He helped you to lay down on the surfboard as you both paddled out to catch another wave.

You rested you head on the board and looked up at him, “Thanks James, this is awesome”.

“You’re welcome” he grinned and ran his free hand through his hair.

You got out to the deeper water and he set you up for another wave.

“See you at the beach” he smiled pushing you off, you paddled hard catching a little wave and rode it to the shallow water.

You watched as he swam towards you.

“I wanna go again” You smiled up at him ignoring your teeth chattering together.

“Your lips are blue, I think we should call it a day” he said looking at you.

“But James” You pout hoping he would give in.

“If you want hypothermia then fine” he laughed looking at you. Your bottom lip was chattering hard now it was drowning out any other sound.

“James David Maslow, keep me warm” you pout looking up at him.

He stepped closer and pulled your bodies together and rubbed your arms. It didn’t warm you up much but it was an excuse to get closer to James.

The truth was when James mentioned going to the beach house and spending some quality time together you were automatically happy. You wanted to tell him a long time ago how you felt but in-between your career and his it was sort of impossible.

You wrapped your arms around his waist and placed your forehead against his chest.

His hands ran down your arms and sides to your hips. You felt a hot blush crept against your cheeks.

“James” you mumbled quietly

“Yeah Lana” he asked, you couldn’t stop the grin forming on your face.

“My lips are really cold they could do with some warming” you said into his chest the grin on your face was huge.

You felt him tilt your chin and then his lips brushed against yours before he pressed them against yours for a kiss.

“Smooth move” he mumbled as he traced his tongue against your bottom lip to further the kiss.

“I thought it was” you mumbled back.

You tiptoed up to him wrapping your arms around his neck as you kissed, you felt the soft sand under your toes.

“Let’s go back to the house, get you warmed up” he pulled away from you smiling.

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