I've Missed You

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Sitting alone at the bar of your favorite club in L.A., your phone vibrates. Hey babe, I just got here so I'll be inside in a few. XOXO. You smiled and rolled your eyes at your boyfriend's signature that he used for you all the time. You were really excited to see him because you hadn't been seeing him much lately. You had work and now he was busy with filming the new season of the show and rehearsing for the upcoming tour. Tonight was the first night in a few weeks that you two were having a proper date. Lately you had only been able to see him late at night if you weren't asleep yet, and he was usually still asleep by the time you left for work. Looking up from your phone, you searched the club for a sign of him. You finally saw him as he was coming through the door. Standing up from your stool, you straightened out your red dress and quickly smoothed out your hair. Even after a year of being together, you still felt the need to impress him all the time.

You met him halfway through the club and threw yourself into his arms. He held you close to him, "Hey babe, gosh I've missed you," he pulled away from the hug and looked you up and down, "Damn," he said biting his lip, "You look beautiful. Hot. Sexy. And you're all mine. Still can't believe that." You blushed, "Thanks James, I've missed you too. Do you want a drink?" "Yeah, lead the way," he smiled at you. You led him over to the bar where you had been sitting and ordered a couple drinks. "So hun, how's life been? I feel like I never see you anymore," James said a little sadly as he put his arm around you and took a drink. "It's been alright, work's been pretty slow for a while now." "You know what I've been thinking, babe?" "What?" "That I'd get you a job at the studio. I mean you do the same stuff, why not do it where you're closer to me." "James, I'd love that. Just don't go through so much trouble for me," "It's nothing, I'm sure we've got something for you. Logan just got Renee a job." "Well, okay, if you think it won't be too much of a hassle. Sure," you smiled at him. James leaned down and gave you a soft kiss. He pulled away and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, "I love you." "I love you too," you smiled back at him. The DJ played a song that you knew James loved, "Ooh, babe, let's dance," he said leading you toward the dance floor.

A few songs later, you and James were hot and sweaty but you were loving every minute of it. Dancing on the floor with James made you feel great. He had his hands on your body, his face was close to yours, his eyes locked on yours, his hips grinding against you occasionally. You were lost in James. Suddenly, you felt someone grinding on you from behind, shouting "Aww yeah!" "Dude what the hell!" James shouted as he pulled you into him and away from the guy. You could smell the guy's breath from where you were standing and the drink in his hand was a clear indicator that he was beyond drunk. "What dude?" the guy said, "She was alone h-h-here earlier, you just picked her up and I wanna dance with her too," the guy slurred. "Well she's my girlfriend so unless you want to wake up in an alley, I suggest you find someone else to bother." "Fuck you, man," they guy said as he stumbled away. "Honey, do you think we could go home?" James asked you, still looking the way the guy had gone. You pulled his face to yours and gave him a kiss, "Of course." The two of you walked out of the club and toward the parking lot, "Where did you park?" you asked James. "Oh, Logan dropped me off," he replied while getting in the driver's seat, "I've had less to drink than you have, I'll drive," he smiled at you. The entire ride home was filled with you and James' laughing and singing. You lived for these kind of moments and you missed James so much when he was away.

When you got to the apartment, James carried you into the room and set you down on the couch with a soft kiss. He sat next to you and pulled you into his arms. "Gosh, I've missed you so much (yn). What the hell am I going to do when I'm on tour. I'm going to die. I swear," he said. "I don't even want to think about you being on tour right now," you said, looking away from him. "Hey, hey," he said, turning your face toward him, "We'll cross that bridge once again when it comes. I love you so much, (yn)," "I love you too, James," you smiled. You looked into his eyes and saw a hint of lust that hadn't been there earlier. You ran your hand up and down his leg, noticing the bulge growing. You smiled leaned in to kiss his neck, sucking and biting at certain areas you knew he loved. "(yn)," he moaned softly. You got up on your knees and removed his shirt, continuing to kiss down his chest. Your hands fumbled with his pants button for a moment before you got them undone. James' hands started moving down your body and massaging your breasts. You pulled off his pants and boxers in one move and started pumping him at the right pace and resumed kissing his neck. "Shit," he mumbled and he tipped his head back. You got down on your knees in front of him and spread his legs a little farther apart to get a better angle. You grabbed his dick in your hand again and his head snapped back to look down at you. You brought your lips to the head and blew on it softly. His eyes locked on yours, you ran your tongue around the tip as your other hand massaged his balls. "Come on (yn)," he whimpered, bucking up his hips. "Shh, shh," you smirked at him, then suddenly taking his full length in your mouth. "Oh god," he cried as you started moving your mouth the way he like. Your hand pumped the part that didn't fit in your mouth as you sucked hard. You licked up and down his shaft and circled your tongue around the tip. James' moans filled the apartment as his hands tangled in your hair. "More, more," he sputtered as you took in his length again. He pulled at your hair as he moaned, "Babe, I'm gunna cum," You continued sucking as hard as you could and running your tongue under the head of his dick as he came in your mouth. You sucked him dry as his moans grew louder through his intense orgasm. When he was done, you stood up on your knees and wiped your mouth, smiling at him. He picked his head up to look at you and immediately got off the couch and pushed you down on the ground, pulling your dress off in one smooth move. "No bra or panties?" he asked, with a husky voice and his breathing still heavy, "Nice choice," he said as he spread your legs apart and inserted a few fingers causing you to moan loudly. His mouth found your clit and he started sucking at the sensitive bud. "Oh god James," you cried. He put in another finger and moved faster, his tongue moving down to your folds, running up and down as his fingers kept attacking your core. Your moans grew louder and your breathing grew heavier as he found your spot. You felt yourself close but you didn't want to cum just yet. "W-wait James," you said. He lifted up his head and looked into your eyes, "What is it you want, baby, tell James what you want," he said as his fingers kept working at you and he kissed you roughly, letting you taste yourself on him. He pulled away and looked into your eyes. His eyes filled with lust. "Fuck me James, fuck me." "Anything for you, baby, anything for you." You felt his fingers leave you and he positioned himself at your entrance, running the tip up and down your folds. "Jamie, please," you said. With that, James pushed in, filling you to the hilt. You both moaned loudly as he started thrusting into you. "Shit...babe...oh god you feel so good," he moaned. "James, faster, oh faster James," you cried loudly. He obliged as he shifted slightly to hit your spot every time. Both your voices filled the apartment as you shouted expletives. "James, I'm gunna cum," you moaned as you grabbed onto his shoulders tightly. He started thrusting harder and faster as you came around him which proved to be too much for him as he came for the second time that night. You both rode out your orgasms as long as you could. James pulled out and pulled you close to him, "I love you, so much (yn)," he said kissing your forehead, the lust from his eyes gone. "I love you too James," you smiled at him. James stood up and picked you up once more, carrying you to the bed. "Alright, princess, I'll make you a late night snack and we'll watch a movie, okay?" "Alright," you laughed as he tucked you in. "Why are you laughing?" he asked. "Because you sure do know how to make sex and after sex great. I've missed this." "I knew you only liked me for my body," he joked, showing off his muscles. "Ha ha, now go make me some food," you smiled.

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