Last Summer Show

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“WHOO, what a fucking blast” James comes bounding off the stage toward you, grabbing the top of your head and giving it a kiss. It was the last show of their summer concert and it was conveniently placed in LA, so you were able to come pick him up.
“I can’t believe it’s over.” He says turning to guy who are now surrounding you.
“But I’m glad to be home” he adds wrapping an arm around you.
You take off for his fitting room so he can change out of his costume and back into his day clothes.  You watch as he starts to undress himself, eyeing his newly tanned, sweaty body.
“Hey baby, can you come help me with this?”
You pull yourself away from your fantasy to help him undo some of the clasps on his shirt. The outfits on this tour were a little intense.  You get everything unhooked and put your hands underneath the fabric and slowly push it up, feeling all the wrinkles of his abs. Your mind is lost in your fantasies again and you don’t even realizing you’ve gotten him almost completely naked.
“Whoa baby, calm down a little” He pulls you back to reality again.
“Oh um sorry”
“Don’t be, I understand. It’s been a long time for both of us and I want this too, just not here. They expect us out of here soon anyways, and I want to take my time with you.” He adds, giving you that’s classic wink.
You grab what’s left of his things and stuff them into the trunk of your car. Suddenly you feel a pair of soft lips on your neck, your turn around and James pushes you up against the car.
“What are you doing James?” You look around, even though the guys all left a long time ago and the place is empty.
“Finishing what you started back there” He nodes toward the building you had just come from.
“Here?” You ask a devilish grin down forming across his face.
“Why not baby? I know you want it” He answers now pushing his hips into yours and you can feel the growing erection underneath his jeans.
You push forward just enough to get the car door open and crawl in backwards, so you’re still facing him and give him your best come get me big boy look. He crawls in on top of you, shutting the door behind him. Luckily you own a pretty good sized car, or else this would be a lot more difficult.
“God I need you so badly baby, I missed you so much” He’s now running his hands up and under your shirt in the same slow way you did before, feeling every inch of you, every curve before pulling your shirt off and moving his hands back down to cup your breast.  He squeezes them gently, pushing his palms into your nipples lightly enough to send shivers down your spine.
You take your hands removing his shirt, this time much more quickly. Removing his pants and briefs, taking his now completely hard member into your hand you slowly move to the same pace he’s taking to your breast. Soon one of his hands in placed behind your neck pulling you in for a kiss, as the other makes its way down south. He slowly presses two fingers, one to your entrance and the other to your clit, matching your pace but as he does your pace quickens up and so does his. Soon you’re both going quickly, causing moans to slip out from both your lips. You need him, now.
“I need you baby, now.” It was almost as if he read your mind.
He pulls your legs apart, one hanging off the side of the back seat the other pushed upward, your foot against the class of the back window.  He slams into your hard and to the hilt, not taking his time with being gentle, there’s too much built up sexual tension between you two.  His pace is a lot faster and harder then you are use to with him, but it feels amazing the angle he has you at is perfect so he hits your spot every time.
“Oh James baby, just like that, so goo-od”
“You like it hard don’t you?” He says leaning to your ear, not really asking so much as knowing.
Biting down on the pulse point behind your ear and then down your neck, leaving red hickeys along the way. James always loved to leave his mark on you. His little way of showing any one that might try come along while he was gone that you were taken and it always earned a moan out of you. You’ve been running your fingers down his back, turning his tanned skin bright red. Now there was a matching blotch on his neck that was more of a purple from where you were biting to keep from screaming his names. His hard thrust hadn’t been interrupted by this biting game and you both were now on the edge of climaxing. A few more hard thrust and you both cum, each others names spilling out your mouths in the form of words.
Your legs fall down around him as he relaxes his body into yours, taking a moment to cool down before pulling out of you. You both sit up on the seat trying to get redressed, you realize it’s pretty impossible to do in a car so you get out grabbing your clothes and get dressed in the parking lot.
“I missed you so much baby” James leans over kissing the top of your head again.
“I missed you too James.”

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now