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We had just seated ourselves at the table in an Italian restaurant when I caught James  giving me that sexy look. He knew what that did to me, but I decided to have a little fun with him that time, not letting him get the better of me. I grabbed a breadstick and slowly started licking it, pretending it was James’s manhood. I licked up and down the edges all the while looking into his eyes. I played with it with my tongue as he watched me closely, his eyes large. I bet he never expected me to do something like that. I could tell he was affected by what I was doing, since he was beginning to shift in the chair in an attempt to make himself more comfortable. He let out a desperate whimper and licked his lips seductively. I knew what he wanted and I decided to give it to him. I lifted up the tablecloth and crawled under the table. Slowly I unzipped his pants and took out his very hard, pulsating cock. I started by slowly letting my tongue play around his shaft, sucking in his most sensitive areas. My tongue reached the small slit and I played with it, dipping my tongue into it. He started moving his hips up and down to match my rhythm. His hands were gripping the edge of the table tightly, his knuckles white, as I took the head into my mouth. He had placed a napkin in his mouth to muffle his moans as I sucked the head vigorously. Pumping the base of his shaft with my right hand, my left hand slowly massaged his balls. I started deep-throating him, letting my teeth graze his sensitive skin every so often. As his cock was pumping in and out of my mouth, his moans increased. I felt his shaft growing in my mouth and suddenly he shot his warm load down my throat. I cleaned him up as his breathing slowly returned to normal.

I crawled out from under the table and sat back down in my seat. We didn’t say a word to each other. He just looked at me with a look of confusion and excitement on his face. I knew he had never expected me to do something like that. Usually I’m rather shy. But when it comes to sex, I’m as adventurous as the next person, maybe even more. I guess I just never showed him that side of me before. I looked into his eyes and smirked at him.

“ I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” I said. I got up from my seat started making my way toward the bathroom, but before I walked past him I leaned down and licked the edge of his ear as I whispered,

“ Wanna join me?”

He swallowed a lump and turned around in his seat to watch me walk through the door to the ladies-room.

I stood in the ladies-room waiting for James  to join me, when all of a sudden I heard the door slam shut. It was him. I smiled at him while he turned around and locked the door behind him. As soon as the door was locked he walked up to me and grabbed me. He pushed me up against the wall and our lips crashed together in a wild and passionate kiss leaving us both breathless. I felt his tongue licking the edges of my lips, trying to gain access. I gave it to him and soon our tongues were battling for control, licking, tasting, biting gently. After a few minutes I pulled away. His lips travelled up my neck to my ear and he whispered in a rugged voice,

“ Do you have any idea what you did to me out there?”

He sucked my neck as I moved my hand down to his crotch. His cock was hard again,

“ I can tell,” I moaned as he licked my neck.

“ I think I might have to punish you for that,“ he said looking me in the eyes, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. I looked at him trying my best to look innocent and say,

“ Why?” I couldn’t wait to see what he did next.

“ I think you know why!” he said as he smirked.

He lifted my arms above my head and started sucking and nibbling at my neck, holding my hands in place. He found the spot right beneath my ear and a moan escaped my lips. I felt him smiling against my skin. Then he proceeded by licking his way down my neck to my shoulder. He bit my shoulder gently and licked the red mark he left. He did that for only a couple of seconds before he licked a trail down to my cleavage. He sucked and bit the part of my breasts that were exposed due to the low-cut top I was wearing. His right hand traveled down my arms to my breasts. He used his left to keep my hands in place. As he started massaging my breasts through the material of my top, teasing my nipples to small peaks, I moaned,

“ Oh…James …don’t stop!”

He lifted his head up and looked at me,

“ I wasn’t planning on it!” he kissed me long and hard and then he moved back to the task at hand. His hand traveled further down my body to the edge of my top. He started lifting the material of my body. As the cold air hit my, now very warm skin, I sucked in a breath. He pulled his lips away from my breast only to remove my top completely. I could tell he was pleased when he saw I wasn’t wearing a bra. His hand traveled up again and his assault on my breasts continued. I tried to take my hands down, but his grip was too tight.

“ Please…James …I need to touch you!” I begged. He loves it when I beg.

He just smiled and his hand traveled down over my belly, to lift up my skirt. I gasped when I felt his fingers caressing my clit through my panties. They were already drenched and James  kissed me forcefully letting his tongue caress every part of my awaiting mouth.

“ God Loreli…” he whispered, “you’re so wet!”

I whimpered as he broke the kiss and moved down my body. He was soon on his knees in front of me, and he looked up at me with eyes filled with desire. I stared back at him, panting, waiting for his next move. His hands started caressing my thighs as they inched their way up toward my panties. He finally reached my panties after what seemed like an eternity to me and he slowly began to pull them down my long legs. As the panties slid down he started biting, licking and kissing my thighs. My head was spinning and I needed to feel his tongue and fingers somewhere else.

“ James …baby, please!” I gasped, just as I felt his fingers slowly caress my hot center again. He smiled up at me and asked,

“ Loreli…what do you want baby?”

I moaned, unable to utter a word. He lifted my right leg over his shoulder and dipped his tongue down to tease my glistening folds.

“ Is that what you want?” he whispered against my skin.

“ Mmm…yes!” I moaned as my fingers weaved through his hair urging him to continue his sweet assault on my sex. His tongue returned to the place I wanted it to be and he started licking my sensitive nub, dipping down to taste my juices every once in a while. Suddenly he pushed a finger in me and started pumping it in and out while gently letting his teeth and tongue graze over my swollen clit. He added another finger and soon a tingling feeling started building in the pit of my stomach, flowing through my veins to reach every single corner of my body.

“ Baby…I’m gonna…oh god!” I panted as I exploded in his mouth. My body shuttered and my knees buckled as I all but screamed out my orgasm. James  let his fingers slip out of me to help me from falling to the floor. My hands were still buried in his wonderful hair as he lapped up my flowing juices.

As my breathing returned to normal James  stood up and pulled me to him. He kissed my damp temple and stroked my hair, while my body calmed down from my earth shattering orgasm. The minute I stopped trembling, James  pulled away and looked me straight in the eyes.

“ I love you Loreli…”

I smiled at him and pulled him in for a kiss. Slowly and tenderly our tongues danced, tasting each other. I pulled away,

“ I love you too.” I told him. He kissed me again, and I could feel his erection rubbing against my stomach.

“ Let’s get out of here!” he said, looking slyly at me. I laughed, put on my discarded clothes and we walked out of the restaurant smiling like crazy…

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