Drunken James

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I probably should've been happier about being able to spend a night with my boyfriend, but frankly, I wanted to stay in, so it was just me and James. I didn't want to go to some stupid club with all of his friends and drink and end up grinding on him.

Usually, I wouldn't be complaining.

But tonight I just wasn't in the mood. I wanted to stay at home with him and watch a movie or something and eat ice cream and then take a shower with him. Was that too much to ask?

He'd been working non-stop for the past three weeks, so I barely saw him, and he's been with the guys all that time, yet he still wanted to go clubbing with them. Oh, he was definitely going to get his revenge later.

And James practically just ditched me and went straight over to Logan, Carlos and Kendall and they were acting like twelve year olds, squealing like they hadn't seen each other in months. I rolled my eyes and looked around, spotting a friend of mine over by the bar. I turned and walked toward her, and when she spotted me, she encompassed me in a hug and sat me down next to her.

Okay, so my friends knew how much it took to get me drunk. It wasn't a lot. Two drinks, maybe three if they weren't very strong. I'd been sitting over here for about half an hour, and my friend tried to get me to drink, but I refused.

"He came home and said he wanted to go out, so I found this dress and decided to wear it because I know how-how much he loves me in red," I explain, my chin resting in my hands. "And then he brings me to this fucking club and leaves me. He has the fucking nerve to say he wanted to go out and then bring me here, of all places? I thought he would at least take me somewhere romantic."

I sighed heavily, then ran my hands through my curled hair.

"I'll tell you one thing right now," I said, leaning closer to her so no one else heard. "My panties won't be on the floor tonight."

My friend snorted and laughed out loud, covering her mouth with her hand. "Oh my god, are you sure you're not drunk?" she asked.

"I promise I'm totally sober," I told her, dead freaking serious.

"Go get James and grind on him. Make him pay." She stood me up and turned me to face the dance floor, and I saw James across the way with the boys, doing shots. How immature, am I right? "Be seductive!" she called to me as I started to walk away.

I made my way through the sea of bodies pressed against each other until I reached where James was, and a plan was brewing in my mind. He was going to pay for this. I wanted to spend time with my boyfriend and god dammit that's what I was going to get!

As I made my way over to James, he turned and spotted me, then gave me a cheeky grin. "Hey baby," he said, words slurring slightly as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulling me close to him. "Want a drink?"

"I'm good, thanks," I said, looking up to him. Then he leaned down, close to my ear, and I could feel his breath, hot on my skin.

"You wanna go dance?" he whispered in my ear, his hand sliding down from the small of my back to my ass.

I smirked, then moved away from him, grabbing the hand that was just on my behind and pulling him with me. "I was just about to ask you that," I said.

James was drunk. And when I say drunk, I mean white boy shit faced. He could still stand, thankfully, but he couldn't really control his hand placement, or hip movement for that matter, and he was pretty much a hot mess. One second, his hands would be on my waist, his hips rocking hard against mine, then the next, his hands would be closing in and sliding down, like he was planning to get me off or something. He clearly didn't realize I was wearing a dress and he couldn't slid his hand down my pants like he usually could.

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