Te Amo

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“Babe? I’m home.” James yells from the front door. “Babe? Where are you?”

“In the living room” you yell back while you turn the pages of your Italian dictionary. “Como esta? Bien, grazie!” you try to pronounce correctly. “Hey. What are you doing?” James asks as he enters the living room. You only hold up the dictionary for him to see. “Well I see what it is but why do you need it?” he asks.

“What do you mean why do I need it? You planned the trip to Italy in two weeks. We should know a few words you know.” you say in disbelief. “Ah come on.” he says with a wave of his hand. “I think we can manage this without a lot of vocabulary. Now come on I didn’t even get a kiss.” he says pouting. You laugh a bit but stand up to give him a quick peck on his lips. “Here you go. Now let me alone. At least one of us don’t want to be lost there.” you say and concentrate back on the book.

“Prego! Grazie!” you continue to practice. You try to pronounce every word perfectly which wasn’t that easy for you. As you look up you see James still stands there watching you. “Something wrong?” you ask after a while. “Nope. Everything is good. I just like watching you.” he says with a smugged smile. You roll your eyes and you hear him laugh. “Well since your so into Italy right now and probably won’t cook tonight why don’t I order a pizza?” You only nod your head yes sightly happy that you don’t have to make dinner today.

You practice until James serves the pizza. “Bon appetito!” James says as he sets the pizza down along with two plates. On top of that he opens a bottle of wine so you two can relax a bit. You smile at him and put your book down. “As seems like you’ve learned a bit Italian.” you say to him. “Well a few words.” he shrugs his shoulders.

After finishing dinner you’re dictionary is back in you hands. You hear someone sighs behind you. “Really? I thought we could have a nice evening together. Not with the dictionary.” You look up and see James makes a annoyed face. Without saying another word he sits down on the opposite side of the couch and turns the TV on.

After about 5 minutes you look up again because you feel a bit bad. You observe him a few minutes to see his face isn’t annoyed any more but rather sad. A little smirk forms on your face as you think about a way to make him smile again. Laying the book down on the table you crawl slowly over to him until you are right next to him. You see he stills faces the TV and makes no offer to look your way. You roll you are eyes knowing you hurt his little ego a bit by finding your vocabulary more interesting then him.

Trying to get his attention you start stroke his arm lightly. Your finger tips move from his hand up to his shoulder. Leaning in you plant a light kiss to his neck while your hand caress the other side of his neck. He swallows hard but he still tries to ignore you. Sitting back one of your hands open the first buttons of his shirt revealing his chest. Your hand sneaks into the open space and you make slow circles on it. Meanwhile you start to kiss again his neck lightly sucking and leaving a dark mark. You kiss your way up to his earlobe and take it between your teeth. You suck on it and you feel his heartbeat becomes quicker.

“Come on James. Don’t be mad. I know you want it too.” you whisper in your most seductive voice. You look into his face and you see he closed his eyes already. Knowing you won him already you spot the remote next to him on the couch and you turn the TV off.

Slowly you crawl into his lap and you look into his eyes. His hands come up and he strokes your tights up and down. He laughs a little bit before he says “God. You look so innocent like this but then you have such an affect on me.” he explains and pushes his hips at the last part up so you can feel his erection. You both smile at each other before you capture your lips with his. The kiss starts slow but you can feel the want behind it. The kiss stays like this for a while. Then you feel him biting you bottom lip and you open your mouth for him. His tongues enters your mouth and battles with yours.

Surprisingly he lets you win the little battle and you explore his mouth. He groans into your mouth as you start to move your hips back and for creating a good friction. With your hands you start to unbutton the last buttons who are left. As you opened all you pull away from the kiss. You grab your shirt and pull it over you head exposing your bra to him. He growls at the sight of his favourite bra and he starts to lean in to kiss you chest but you push him back.

You shake your head and he looks a bit confused. “You are not allowed to touch me until I say you can. It’s about you babe. Not that I don’t give you enough attention.” you say with a wink. He wants to say something against this but you shut him of with a kiss. Again you pull away and you feel he disagrees with the idea as his head follows yours to get more. You giggle at the sight since he pouts a bit. You let your hands travel up and down his front before you stand up. Teasingly you open the button of your jeans along with the zipper.

Moving your hips from the left to the right you pull your jeans down and step out of them before you kneel down in front of James. You look up to him while you push his legs a bit apart to crawl between them. Your hands move from his ankles to his waist. You put one hand on top of his crotch and you put pressure on it. You watch James face the whole time and you see his head falls back.

“Please. (Y/N) No teasing.” he begs. To give him something you open his pants. You tug on them and he gets the hint. He moves his hips up so you can slide them down to his ankles. He sighs heavily as the pressure is taken away. “Poor boy” you think to yourself as you touch his erection through his boxers and feel how hard he is. “He probably was very uncomfortable in those tight pants.”

After a while messaging him and mouthing him through his boxers you finally decide he was good enough to give him more. You pull his boxers down and his hard cock springs free. You lean in and plant soft kisses on it making him shiver. You smile to yourself before you lick him from the base to the tip making him moan. Stopping at the tip you only take the tip in your mouth and suck on it. With your tongue you swirl around it and collect the pre cum.

Slowly you take him further into your mouth while your hands grab his balls and and squeeze them for his pleasure. You feel his hands grab your head and he tries to set his own pace. Quickly you pull off of him. “Ba-Babe no. Why did you stop?” he asks with a shaky voice. “I told you no touching until I allow you.” you say as you kiss your way up his chest. “Now be a good boy or you don’t get anything.” you whisper husky in his ear.

You kneel again down and look up. “You gonna be good now?” you ask and he only shakes his head yes. You smile as you take him in your mouth again. At first you move your head only slowly teasing him with your tongue. You love to hear the little groans from James as you take him further and further in and making you wetter and wetter with every groan. It’s magic to hear him repeat your name and falling apart under your touch. It’s amazing to know you are the reason that this man is a mess right now.

“Shit. I-I think I’m gonna-” but you don’t let him finish his sentence as you pull away from him. “Not yet babe.” you say as you climb on his lap. You lean your forehead against his while your arms are around his neck and you ease yourself on him. You both moan at the feeling. After giving yourself a bit time you start to move your hips against his. Your lips found his for a kiss but it’s more breathing into each others mouths then kissing.

It’s incredible how perfects he fills you up and how he always stretches you in the best ways. As you pull away from the kiss you look into his eyes. “T-touch me.” you breath out and finally giving him permission to touch you. In a second his large hands grab your waist and he helps you to move against him.

“I’m so close baby.” James says as he leans his head into the crock of your neck. He kisses the soft skin and leaves his mark by biting you so everyone knows you belong to him. Both of your breathings becomes heavier and the room is filled with soft moans and groans and the sound of your hips crashing together. You cry out his name as you feel his finger rubs harshly your clit. The feeling in your stomach grows with each thrust and your body feels like it is on fire.

You were on the edge and you know James is it too so you whisper into his ear. “Come for me. Babe come on. I want to feel you filling me up.” And that is all it needs to send him over the edge along with you. You hips start to move uncontrollably against his and you feel the pleasure takes over your whole body.

After a few seconds your movements slow down and you rest against James chest. He strokes your back and whispers a few cute things into your ear. “Hey. (Y/N).” he says after a moment of silence. You look up and he smiles “Te amo.”

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