The Mile High Club

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It was mid-afternoon and everyone was on a plane headed to New York for the premiere of his band album 24/Seven . As usual Jessica , James's girlfriend, was bored. She let out a yawn and placed her head on James's shoulder. James looked up from his magazine and kissed her on the top of her head.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, I'm just bored," she replied with a sigh. "I hate these long plane rides."

"I know me too. Why don't you take a nap? That would pass some time."

"Okay," Jessica said as she grabbed a pillow and blanket from above her seat and set it on James 's lap. She laid her head down and closed her eyes.

After twenty minutes of trying to fall asleep, Jessica gave up and rolled over. She found herself face to face with James's manly bulge. Jessica smirked and looked up at James . He was still reading his magazine. She glanced over at Carlos , he was sleeping, then glanced over at Kendall who was listening to music. Logan was up front with the band, so she looked back at James and carefully unzipped his pants. Jessica pulled the blanket over her head to cover anything in view. It was times like these when she loved the fact that he rarely wore underwear. She reached into his pants and wrapped her fingers around his bulging member. James dropped his magazine and gasped.

"Jessica what are you...oh my god!" he cried.

"Shhh," Jessica replied as she continued to glide her hand over his dick.

Taking her time, she fulfilled his every pleasure. James arched back his neck and let out a soft moan. He closed his eyes and gripped his hands on the armrest, biting his lip from making any loud noises.

"Mmmm, Jessica ...." he voice trailed off.

Jessica snickered as she licked the tip of his dick with her tongue. "Do you like that?"

"Mmmmmm," James moaned.

"Good," she said with a seductive smile.

"Oh, shit I'm gonna cum!" James whispered. "Oh, fuck!"

Jessica grinned and stopped what she was doing. She sat up and looked at James , who was still in shock. "I'm going to go the bathroom," she said as she winked at James .

James raised his eyebrows and smiled as he watched her go into the bathroom. She glanced back at him as she opened the door to the laboratory and motioned for him to follow. Jessica shut the door and waited for him to come in. James wasted no time following her. He stepped in, shut the door and turned around to see Jessica standing there waiting for him.

"It took you long enough," she teased.

"Sorry," James said as he stepped over to her. He began to suck on her neck.

"Mmmm, James . Take me now," she whispered.

James pulled off her tank top and began caressing her breasts as they continued to kiss. Jessica reached down and unzipped his jeans and pushed them down. James hastily stepped of them as he unzipped her jeans. He pulled them down, revealing her lacy, black thong. James cupped his hands around her bare ass and squeezed her cheeks as Jessica gently caressed his hard, erect penis. She giggled when he noticed he was so anxious that he was bumping into things.

"Ow, fuck!" he shouted as he bumped his elbow against the sink. "Damn these things are too small."

Jessica giggled and continued to kiss him. "Shut up and fuck me."

James pulled off her thong and backed up to the toilet. He sat down and Jessica climbed on his lap. She straddled her legs over his lap and slid his hard, throbbing dick into her warm, wet fold. She couldn't help but quiver in arousal.

"Oh shit! You're so tight!" James exclaimed.

Jessica giggled as she slid her tongue into his mouth as she thrust her hips back and forth. James roamed his hand hands over her body as she began to moan against him. James grunted loudly and kissed her harder.

"Oh, God, I'm horny," he said breathlessly.

"I can tell," she said against his ear. "Maybe I should slow down a little," she said while slowing down her pace.

"Fuck, don't tease me. I'm already almost there."

Jessica grinned widely. "Since when did you turn into a minute man?"

James didn't answer, he just moaned as she continued to ride him. He arched his neck back and shut his eyes tight.

"Oh, James ! Oooooh!" she cried.

"Oh, fuck! Faster, Jessica . Faster! Oooh! I'm cumming!" James exclaimed as she thrusts her hips faster.

James moaned loudly as he began to twitch in ecstasy. He breathed in deep as he continued to kiss her. Jessica slowly removed him inside of her as he continued to hungrily kiss her. She gasped as he dip his finger into her wet fold.

"James , we can't take this long. Someone will catch us."

He grinned and kissed her. "You still have to get off," he said as rubbed finger on her clit.

"Oh, god," she whispered as she gripped onto his shoulders.

James sucked her neck and slipped two fingers inside of her. Her muscles tightened as he continued to roam his fingers in a circular motion. Jessica's breathing became more rapid as she came closer to he orgasm.

"Cum for me, baby," he said softly into her ear.

Jessica couldn't help herself. Whenever he spoke to her in a low, sexy voice, she lost all self control. She pressed her lips against his as she moaned. Her muscles tightened and her body shook as she came. Jessica let out a sigh of relief and let go of James . He smiled and kissed her again.

"Feel better?" he asked.

"Oh, god, yes," she said while catching her breath.

"Good," James said as he guided her off his lap.

"I hope no one knows we're in here," she said with a laugh.

James stood up and kissed her lightly on the lips. Jessica smiled as she put her clothes back on. She fixed her hair and make up in the mirror then walked out of the bathroom. She sat back down in her seat as if nothing had happened. Everyone was still minding their own business. She let out a sigh of relief then looked back at James when she heard him coming out of the bathroom. He went back to his seat next to Jessica and grinned at her. Jessica smiled back and laid her head on his shoulder.

"So, how does it feel to be part of the mile high club?" James whispered into her ear.

Jessica smiled widely as she looked over at James . "Pretty damn good," she whispered back.

"We should try it again sometime," he said in a low, seductive tone.

Jessica laughed and shook her head. "We'll see," she replied then kissed him.

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