Damn You look Good (I'm Drunk )

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He wasn’t your usual type, but you were drunk he was looking pretty hot and you figured you weren’t going to do any better tonight. The club was packed full of middle aged men trying to pick up young women, so when the dark hair male who looked to be about your age made his way over to you, you weren’t in any position to turn him down.
“Hi, I’m James”
He introduced himself, taking a seat down next to you. You turned to face him, giving him your name.
“May I buy you a drink?”
You were already pretty drunk, but since he offered you weren’t going to turn it down. You spent the next hour slamming down drinks and talking till you were barely able to speak.
“I should go home” You tried to get up from the stool you were sitting on, but every time you tried to move the room became dizzy.
“Let me help you” James placed himself on one side of you, your arm draped over his shoulder as he carried you out of the club.
“Where do you live?”
You mumbled out a few numbers, not making any sense so he decides it was best just to take you back to his place.  He called a cab, since neither of you are in a position to drive, he had quit a few drinks himself. When you arrive back to his place, he pays the cab driver and carries you to his apartment.
“You can sleep here.”
He says, flopping you down on the couch before heading into his room. You’re in no mood for sleep, you went to that club looking for someone to hook up with and you’ll be damned if you aren’t getting laid, so you stumblingly follow him into his room.
“What are you doing?”
James is standing by his bed, shirtless, working on undoing the button on his pants and you’re not sure if it’s from the alcohol but seeing him like that makes him even more attractive. Suddenly feeling sobered up enough to walk, you push him down on his bed, climbing on top of him.
“Let me help you with that” You reach down undoing his pants and sliding them off along with his boxers.
“No don’t, you’re drunk” He takes you by your hands pulling you off of him.
“Wasn’t that the point? To come to the bar, find some drunken girl and fuck her?”
You push him back down, climbing on top of him, kissing him harder then you had before forcing your tong into his mouth. This isn’t usually the way James like to meet women, but it had been so long since the last time he had sex and he was a little drunk himself so he decided to just give in.
Flipping you over so he was now on top, pulling your shirt off over your head. You were wearing a short skirt, which he hiked up on your hips, pushing your panties down and you shimmy out of them. He lifts your hands above your head, and without any warning slams into you hard and to the hilt, pushing you into the mattress. You let out a loud moan, trying to wiggle your hands free from his tight grip. Keeping one hand around your small wrist he puts the other on your hip, grabbing tight enough to leave bruises, pulling you toward him as he slams down, the sound of skin hitting skin with every thrust. You continue to straggle under nether his grip, needing something to dig your nails into and he finally lets go of your hands. As soon as he does you run your nails down his back, biting into his shoulder, he pulls back your head by your hair so you have to release your teeth from him.
“Scream baby, let it out, say my name”
He mumbles into your ear as both your climaxes build higher and higher. You do as he says screaming out a mixer of his name along with some profanities. Your legs tighten and your walls vibrate around him, sending him into his own orgasm and he moans out you names.
 The next morning you wake up to a tall, tan, dark hairs man draped around you. Vaguely remembering parts of last night you take a look down at the face resting on your chest and you release that maybe it wasn’t just the alcohol, he’s actually very attractive. You could have done a lot worse. 

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now