So Typically Me

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“I can’t do this anymore, I have completely lost everything I believe in.”

“ I thought you said you loved him and were nothing without him. I thought you said that you didn’t mind giving up your life to be with him because he gave you the world and made you the center of it.” Leave it to my best friend to remember every word I ever said correctly.

“That was before I suspected him of giving it to someone else too.”

“You really think that he would do that?”

“Of course I do, otherwise I wouldn’t suspect him of it. Plus he is a Pop God, do you actually think there is anything stopping him?”

“You mean besides you and logic, probably not. How could he cheat on you? I thought you guys were sharing a hotel room.”

“Of course we are. However, there are other rooms in the hotel and he is a millionaire, he can afford another room.”

“Fair enough. Have you confronted him about this?”

“Not yet, I have no idea what to say. Also I wanted to talk to you first. Do you think he would cheat on me?”

“Based on the way he looks at you, no way in hell. But I don’t know him that well. I think everything you are telling me you need to tell him. You’ll never know for sure until you talk to him.”

“I guess that’s true. Fine I’ll talk to him after the concert tonight.”

“Just one question, what makes you think that he is cheating on you?”

“He just seems really distant, he’s always busy and when he gets back to the hotel he just wants to sleep.”

“You guys have been together awhile and I know it’s none of my business but I am gonna anyways. Have you guys had sex yet?”

“It’s gotten close a couple times and then he just seems to back off. God I have fallen in love with him before knowing what it’s like to be loved by him. He is so fucking sexy and sensual it’s driving me crazy. I guess that is typical me, always falling for the boy that is too easy to love.”

“You know what? I think things will get better. Just talk to him.”

“I will. I’ll talk to you later, I am gonna rest before tonight.”

“Okay Lani, good luck.”

*Later that night after the concert*

“Lani...” I could hear his smooth voice calling me and it set my nerves on edge. Tonight I was gonna find out if I still held a place in his world anymore. It had only been a few months and I felt like I was losing him already.

“Hey babe, that was an awesome show tonight.” I stood on the tip of my toes and kissed his cheek.

“ Thanks hun, God I’m tired.”

“I am sure you are baby, before you sleep though I was wondering if we could talk.” I sat on the bed nervously wringing my hands. God he is beautiful.

“Of course, just let me change and then I’m all yours.” God how I wish that were true. A few minutes later he reentered the room.

“Alright shoot.” He laid beside me with his head on my pillow.

“Now that I’ve got you here I don’t know how to say it. Bare with me. I know you are tired a lot and your work is really stressful. I dunno I just feel like you are really distant, almost like you don’t want me around. It makes me wonder if you are cheating on me or if I did something wrong. You rarely touch me and when you do you always pull back.”

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