Things Will Work Out

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Living in a great house? Having a husband who is a singer? A just born boy who’s 2 months now? Yeah this is your life right now. It sounds like a dream but right now it isn’t every thing so great like everyone would think.

Crying. You heard it again as you slowly open your eyes. Next to you you hear someone mumbling an annoyed “you”. You sigh as you slowly stand up and make your way to the nursery.

You open the door to hear the loudly screaming of the little boy in his little bed. You walk over to him and grab him to smell the well known smell. Quickly you change his diaper and rock him then a few minutes back and for. As he is calm again you put him back into his little bed and walk slowly out of the room. You sigh and slip down the door. You push your hair out of the face and a little tear slips out of your eye.

You hadn’t had sex with James since months and it started to worry you. Every night the little boy is crying. It isn’t that you don’t love him but you and James never had some time alone so your love life isn’t the best. But what really worries you was that your husband would come home very late always with the same excuse like filming was long or we had to record longer.

What if he wasn’t doing this What if he is with another woman? What if James thought you are too fat now short after the baby was born? There are so many pretty girls out there and you? Maybe he isn’t in love with you any more?

These are thoughts who shot through your head. By the time the single tear turns into another one and another one. Nevertheless you make your way back to the bedroom as James should be asleep again. Softly you open the door and slide back under the covers your back facing him.

Quietly you sobs become soften as you feel a arm on your waist and the confused voice of James. “What’s wrong” he asks softly as you turn around. He sees your eyes also in the dark and switches on the lights. His hand cups your cheek softly as you smile lightly. Maybe I’m wrong about everything?

“Talk with me” you hear James again. You look up to him and just capture your lips with his. Taken back he returns the kiss just after a while. In the process you climb on top of him still kissing him. Your tongue licks is bottom lip as he gladly opens his mouth. ‘I can fix this if I want’ you think to yourself as you feel his hands on your waist. You smile against his mouth as you pull away to kiss your way down his neck.

You hear him sigh as he starts to speak “We can’t do this. What if he wakes up and it was a hard day so I’m tir-” but he was interrupt by a moan as you kiss the spot behind his ear that drives him crazy. “Then we have to be quiet” you whisper in his ear and bit his earlobe lightly.

It’s like all doubts you had minutes ago disappear as you hear him whimper under your touch. You climb off of him and stand in front of the bed. He scoots up the bed so he can lean against the headboard. Slowly you lift your shirt over your head and your hair falls back down as the shirt is over your head.

You lean forward to strip your shorts in a teasing way down knowing James is watching you as you hear another moan from the boy. As you look back up you see his hand fumbles in his basketball shorts. Smirking you crawl back on the bed on top of him shoving his hand away and replace it with yours.

James groans as your hand slides his member up and down. You smear the pre cum around the head as his head falls back. You see that there is already sweat forms on James forehead as you lean down and kiss his well formed chest. “Shit babe stop or it is over before you got any thing” James pants into your ear as he pulls you up and opens your bra. He rolls you two over and hovers over you as he kisses you roughly.

He bites your lips just the way you like it and starts to fumble with your panties. As you feel them around your ankle he pulls away to slide his own boxers down. You both breath heavily as he stops for a second to look into your eyes. He leans down to give you surprisingly sweet kiss and leans his forehead on yours.

“I missed this so much.” he says as he looks deep in your eyes. “I know. Me too.” you answer him as you close the gap between you two again. His hands caress your sides as you feel his cock enters you. You let out a little cry not used to it any more. He waits a second before he starts to move and his member slides slowly on and out.

You both start to moan the other names and know that both of you will not last long since it has been so long. His hands grab your breast and his fingers plays with your nipples. You scratch your nails down his back and bite into his shoulder to keep you from screaming to loud.

On of your hands start to fondle his balls which you know makes him wild. You notice that it also helps this time since his thrusts become quicker. His hand found in this time his way behind your back to pull you up so you can sit on your lap. You feel so close to him as you have to move only a bit to gain the perfect friction for both of you. His hand are behind your back and yours behind his.

Simultaneously you kiss each other shoulders as you feel on of his hands strokes your clit. That’s enough to push you over the edge as you come over his dick. With the feeling of you coming James is send over the edge seconds late. Together you rock your highs out. As you come down your head lands on his shoulder and you stay like this a few minutes just enjoying the moment and the kisses James starts to set on your shoulders.

Slowly you lift your head up to look at him. “I love you” you whisper to him like you would be afraid that someone could hear you. “I love you too babe” James says as he gives you a kiss which makes you feel like you are on cloud nine. You slid of his lap to lay down with your lover behind you. After a little silence you say this what yo wanted to ask him for so long. “Are you cheating on me James?” you say as you turn around to look him in his eyes.

“What?” he asks in disbelief. “Of course not. I would never do this. Why in the world should I cheat on a wonderful woman like you?” he explains lovingly. “Because..I don’ know. The long nights at set then the other night studio.” you list.

“I know babe. But I really work and it’s so much with our little man but I love him I love you I just love our little family and I would never want to change something about it.” he demands as he pulls you closer to him to kiss your noise in a gentle gesture. You giggle as you lean more into his side knowing everything will work out also when it’s hard to make things work.

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