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Finally” you mumble to yourself as you step from the treadmill. Wiping the sweat from your face you take you water bottle to drink something. You look around the room to see that almost everyone left the gym already. It was typical.

You loved going to the gym with James but since he comes home late you two are often the last to leave the gym. You turn around and spot James across the room.

You bite your lip as you walk closer. His back lays on the black bench. His arms flecks as he lifts the weights. Deep groans leave his lips while the weights go up and down. Close enough you can see the sweat on his forehead which drips down on the sides of his face. A few dirty thoughts come to your mind as you remember his hair looks exactly the some when you two make love. You feel yourself becoming wet by the thought of your two bodies moving together in sync.

To deep in your own fantasy you don’t notice that James drops his weights. Just as you see a tall figure in front of you you look up. You see James standing for you with a smirk on his face.

“Enjoyed the show?” he says with an amused grin while taking a gulp of water. Your face turns red as you look to the side. “Don’t know what you talking about.” you say simple. He laughs as he turns your head so you have to look him directly in the eyes. “Really? You don’t know. I saw you watching me the whole time. And you didn’t even noticed that I stopped until I stood face to face with you. And I know this look on your face.” he says while stepping closer. With one of his hands he pushes a lose strand of your hair behind your ear.

You feel his hot breath next to your ear. “You’re a very bad girl (Y/N). You’re not aloud to have these thoughts. Remember we’re in a public gym.” he ends his sentence and bites your ear lop a little. Closing your eyes you have to whimper lightly. “James” you breath out. “Not here.”

“You’re sure?” he laughed. “We – We can’t do this hear. Wha-What is if someone walks in” you say with a shivering voice. “No one will see us baby girl. Come on” he says finally griping your arm and pulling you out of the exercise rooms. Finding the way into the dressing room he pushes you against the wall. “I bet you’re already wet for me.” he says with his deep voice as he slips one of his hands in your shorts. Your head falls back as he touches your wet panties. “Wasn’t I right?” he smirks and starts to kiss your neck.

“Shit. James please. We have no time.” you beg realizing someone could walk in any second but exactly this makes it even more exciting. Because of this he bites down on your neck leaving a mark for everyone to see. Your hands grab his hair and you pull on the ends earning a moan from James. Meanwhile the hand in your shorts move up and down your slit making you moan. As he pulls away from your neck his lips find yours in a passionate kiss. His tongue battles with yours for dominance. Of course he wins this battle and discovers the spots who make you weak.

Your hand moves from tangling in his hair down to stroke his already hard penis through his pants. James groans against your mouth while his hand rubs your folds. You gasp as he shoves one of his long fingers in you. To support yourself you put your hands on his shoulders.

“Shit I can’t take it any more. I fucking need you.” he says while pushing your shorts down along with his. He lifts you up and lines himself up with your entrance. First he only pushes the tip in teasing you a bit. Whimpering you dig your nails in his shoulder blades and finally he enters you completely stretching you in the best ways.

His head falls on your shoulder as he slowly starts to lift you up from him and letting you down harder. With each thrust he becomes more aggressive. Your hands scratch his back leaving marks of your own. He lifts one of his hands up to play with one of your nipples while pumping in you over and over again. This sends even more pleasure through your body. To please him more your hand starts to message and stroking his balls.

Your sweaty bodies move against each other while you two kiss sloppier with each second. Both of your thrusts become also sloppier and you feel him starting to shake and you know his end is near. Wanting to come at the some time you touch your clit. Immediately your pleasure increases and you feel yourself coming closer to the edge. “Fuck harder James.” you yell a last time before you both come at the same time. You ride out your orgasm against each others while your heavy breathing fills the air.

Leaning his forehead on yours you two try to find your breathing again. You two smile at each others and he gives you a loving kiss. “Best workout ever” he whispers in your ear and you start to giggle.

Suddenly you two hear a high pitched coming from the side. Shocked you look into the direction. “Excuse me but we want to close soon. Please hurry up.” the blond girl says with a deep red cheeks. You glare at James who shrugs only his shoulders. Oh boy will he pay for this.

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now