Home Coming.

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Its been nearly three months since you’ve seen James. He’s been on tour, but is finally coming home and you have him all to yourself for two whole months. No show, no band related anything, just you and him. You want this home coming to be perfect, you cooked his favorite meal and bought a tight strapless pleather dress that hugged in all the right places and a pair of strappy black high heels that made you the perfect height, only about two inches shorter than James. You decided to wear your hair down in waves, just how he liked it.
The times was 6:30 and he’d be home in half an hour, so you double checked yourself in the mirror for about the tenth time and set the table up for a romantic dinner for two.  The closer it got to seven the more nerves you felt. You’re not really sure why, it’s not like he hasn’t left for a long time before. But this time it felt as though he’d been gone for years, not just months. Maybe it was all the excitement of the events you knew to come. Whenever he’s home you two are all over each other, so three months is a long time for both of you to go without having sex. So you knew you’d be trying to make up for it tonight.
Lost in your thoughts you didn’t even hear his car pull up, it wasn’t until you heard the front door start to open that you were pulled back to reality. You jumped off the couch to meet him at the door, as soon as you saw each other you wrapped your arms around one another.
He kisses you hard and right away the events you had just been fantasizing about start.  He turns you around so you’re pressed up against the door kissing every visible part, which thankful for this dress is a lot, starting from your lips down your neck and shoulders. He slowly moves his hand up your thighs under your dress to be happily surprised when he realized you aren’t wearing anything underneath. He hikes your dress up around your hips as you pull off his shirt and fight to undo his pants which he quickly kicks off to the side. He now has you lifted up with your legs wrapped around his waist; he starts caring you to the couch which at this moment seems miles away so you both settled for the kitchen table, knocking everything off of it you had previously set up.
You are now sitting on the edge of the table, legs spread wide. As he removes his briefs, the last piece of clothing aside from your dress, he stands there admiring your half necked body in front of him. It’s his to take, and he isn’t going to waste another second.
He places himself between your legs, kissing you in the same patter he had before. Then slowly enters you, one itch of his hardened member at a time, letting you re adjust to his size before finally slamming in all the way to the hilt then pulling back out to do it again. He keeps up an agonizingly slow pace for a while before its too much for either of you to take and you start moving your hips toward his as a sign to speed up.  He’s now slamming into you hard and fast, causing the table to shake beneath you. Your knuckles turning white from holding on to the wood so hard. You cant take it any more you needed something different, something you could dig your nails into. James’s back seems like a more fitting place. You begin running your nails down the hot, newly tanned skin from his shoulders to his hips grabbing hold tightly, you’re sure this will leave bruises in the shapes of your hands, pushing him into you farther which seemed almost impossible. 
You’re both getting so close to your point of climax, but you don’t want to it end yet. You push him away slightly by his chest. Not enough to make him pull out, just to get his attention. He looks up into your eyes his, a dark shade of brown different from the usual light hazel, a look of confusion on his face. You glanced down to the floor and he quickly gets the hint, pulling you off the table down to the floor. But when he makes an attempt to climb on top of you, you push him down centering your entrance just at the tip of his cock, but before slamming down on top of him.
It doesn’t take long before you are back to that same quick pace you had moments ago, and you’re once again reaching your climax. You slow down just an enough to still feel the pleasure, but not to end things too quickly. The slow pace is killing you both, him more than you, he grabs a hold of your hips tightly, sure to leave matching bruises to the ones he has, moving you quickly again and you both finally hit your orgasm, calling out each other’s names in the form of loud moans.
You fall on top of him resting for a moment before rolling over to lay your head on his check and leaving light kisses along his neck.
“Welcome home baby.” 

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now