Great Escape

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“Woo Hoo” 
You turned around, tightening the straps of your 101 Great escapes apron to see what new loud group of spoiled rich kids would be making your life a living hell this weekend. Instantly your eyes landed on what had to be the best looking guy you’d ever see, the one woohoo-ing as he walked in. He was tall, tan, well shaped body and a shaggy hair cut that came just low enough it didn’t cover his eyes. You couldn’t help but stair. You attention was soon broken as you heard a voice speaking, a hand waving in front of your face. The sun tanned hotty now standing infront of you.
“Um hello, where do we go to check in”
“Oh um over there”
You answered pointed toward a big desk by the door they had just entered from, you had to fight back the ‘duh’ that was threatening to follow that sentence.
“Thanks babe”
He replied, giving you a wink and turning toward the desk. The group of girl who had been clued to him laughing and flipping their hair as they walked away. God how you hated those SD rich kids.
Most of your friday went well, you were lounge duty, waiting tables. The group of SDRk(as you and your co-workers called them) came back from skiing for lunch. Most of them ignored you, but the hotty who you had learned his name was James through conversation kept calling you over insisting he was ready to order than changing his mind. By the fith time you were ready to shove that menu up his ass.
“Ok, rich body. I get that your the big deal where you’re from and that EVERYONE just loves you, but you’re in my territory now. So you can either order something or you can shove that menu were the sun don’t shine.”
The group of girl gasped at your abruptness, clearly no one had spoken to him like that before.
“I’ll just take a burger and some fries.”
“Good choice”
You turned around, thanking who ever above that he hadn’t freaked out about your eruption. As you turned you felt a hand slap your ass.
“Thanks babe”
You turned back around, shocked he actually did that and raised a hand to smack him but his gripped tightly around your wrist pulling you to him, his mouth next to your ear.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, unless you want to lose your job. Nice name it’s cute”
James spoke, taking your name tang in his fingers.  You pulled away, scuffing off toward the kitchen. Thankfuly your shift was over and you took off at the front door heading home, but not before you heard a deep raspy voice say, see you tomorrow.
The next day went buy pretty quickly you hadn’t seen much of James. You’d been scheduled to work the front desk, but traded with one of the kitchen staff. You were lucky to have been trained in all portions of the lodge.
Sunday went much the same, you were on cleaning staff and spent most of the day in and out of rooms. It was getting to the end of your shift when your manager had said that a some one had requested some serves, you tried to protest but sadly everyone else had left and you were the only one available. You took the elevator, stepping off at the sixth floor and making your way to room 212. Knocking, you were not surprised when James opened the door.
“You have got to be kidding me”
You huffed, turning around to leave.
“Wait, don’t leave.”
James’ hand was wrapped around your wrist and you pulled back giving him a look that said you touch me again and you won’t be loosing just an arm.
“I’m sorry, about yesterday. Please, come in. I’ll even leave the door open if you don’t trust me.”
You took a look around the room, seeing that you were alone. Looking him up and down one last time you stepped in, pushing the door open and wedging a stop block underneath it. James took a place on a queen sized bed centered in the middle of the room, patting a place next to him. Not willing to take an risks, you pull up a chair from the corner of the room and sitting down across from him.
“So you were saying”
You spoke, both your legs and arms crossed, showing him you weren’t in the mood for any of the shit he had pulled earlier in the weekend.
“Yeah, well I’m sorry for how I behaved, I was way out of line and I should have acted like that. It’s just my friends, ya know?”
“Actually I don’t.”
“Oh well it’s just that they expect me to be a certain way. The funny guy, make people laugh.”
“James, I really don’t care to hear about your rich kid problems and there’s a fine line between being funny and being an ass. I got my apology, but don’t expect me to just forgive you.Besides, why does it matter to you if I do anyways?”
James was on leaning off the edge of the bed, his face inches away from yours. He didn’t dare touch you and as much as you hated his kind you saw something behind those hazel eyes. He seemed genuinely sorry, and different. Some about the look he was going you took over and before you knew it you were kissing him, pushing him back against the bed and straddling him.  
“Does this mean I’m forgiven”
“Shut up and Kiss me”
James flipped the two of you over, straddling your waist and pushing his whole wait  against your body. You could feel him quickly growing hard against your leg and you couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips. Running your hands up and under his shirt to remove it, you felt just how build he was. James quickly worked on removing your clothing, obviously not interesting in taking his time. Standing up he worked on removing his own pants and briefs. His size was impressive and you couldn’t blame him for being as cocky as he is.
You half expected him to crawl back on top of you and just start slamming into you, but he lowered him self down slowly lightly kissing up your neck, across your jaw line and landing on your lips. The way he kissed you was like nothing you’d felt before in a kiss. It was oddly passionate, deep but slow. You probably could have lied there all day kiss him, but the erection he was sporting pressing up again your leg was making you wet with need.
“James, I want you”
And with that he slowly pushed into you. You let out a small cry at the feeling, his stretching and filling you in the most amazing.
“Fuck baby, you’re so tight”
You could feel a blush come across your face, seeing it James made the quick realization.
“Wait, have you never done this before?”
James asked, nervesly and almost pulling out all the way. You cringed at the feel of him suddenly moving so quickly, so he stopped letting you adjust to the feeling. The blush growing from your cheeks to your whole face as you nodded yes.
“Maybe we shouldn’t do this”
“No, no I want to, I promise. It’s ok.”
“You sure”
“Yes James, now please”
Taking your word for it James slowly pushed into you to the hilt, then resting to let you adjust. Pushing the whole wait of his lower half into yours, his thrust were slow, but deep. After you were comfortable enough, you wrapped your legs around his hips, pushing him deeper into you and giving him and better angle. 
“Deeper James, harder. Please”
You called out, practically begging him to fuck you. Doing as you requested, James picked up the, pace. His thrust becoming faster and harder and deeper, which you hadn’t thought was possible. Soon you were both calling out each others names, the sound of moans filling the air. The feeling of his hips hitting against yours with his full wait was unbelievably amazing, you never though you could feel so good. The look on his face told you he was enjoying it just as much as you. Your name falling off of his lips which were resting up against your neck as he attempted to leave soft kisses to the skin, mixed with his deep moans and grunts was the most beautiful sound. Pulling you up against him, his hands on your hips and yours wrapped around his neck, kissing him as he delivered one last hard thrust hitting that spot inside you and sending you over the edge, him following soon after.
James spoke as he slowly pulled out of you, lying down next to you and wrapping his arms around your waist, your head on his chest. You could have laid like that forever, if it wasn’t for the fact that he’d be leaving first thing in the morning and you’d never see him again. Almost as if he was reading your mind, he spoke.
"Will I ever see you again? Maybe next year, if you want."
A look of fear coming across is face at the thought of being rejected for what would probably be the first time in his life.
"Actually, I’m moving to LA at the end of the season."
"Need a roommate"
You sat up, giving him a look of confusion.
"I’m moving to LA too, I’m going to be a famous actor"
James replied, resting on one elbow and attempting to flip his shaggy hair cut to the side. You feel back over laughing.
"How about we see how things are in the summer, than we’ll talk about the roommate thing"
You reply, climbing off the bed and getting redressed. Kissing James one last time you promised you’d return back tomorrow to say goodbye. Walking out of the lodge room seeing the crowed of snooty SDRK girls out in the hall. You flipped your hair in their direction as they all took a look to see that you had just left James lying naked on his bed, a big grin on his face.

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