Chapter 44

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Matt led me inside and out the back where everyone was. My father glared at me and what a surprise, Cara came straight over.

"Matt, I'm so glad you're here." She wailed, wrapping her arms around him.

Fuck she was annoying.

I let go of Matt's hand and made my way over to my parents. Matt was a big boy, he could handle Cara, I trusted him.

But do you trust her? I thought to myself.

I glanced back at them. She was crying and he looked at me like 'Thanks a lot Izzy'.

I felt a little bad, for dumping him with her but I couldn't take anymore of her attention seeking behavior. It seemed the less attention she got, the worse she became.

Mom smiled at me as I approached.

"Bella, I'm glad you came."

The look on my father's face said otherwise.

I shrugged. "I won't be staying long."

"Do you mind if we have a word?" She asked.

"I wanted a word with Isabella." Dad snapped.

"Oh." Mom sat back down.

"Aww, too bad, mom got in first, you'll have to wait." I told him.

Christ, I would never have dreamt of speaking to him like this.

"Now listen here." He hissed, standing up and grabbing my arm, squeezing it. "Your attitude is appalling, now get over here."

He pulled on my arm, dragging me around a corner.

"David please." Mom said following.

"Shutup." He snapped. "She needs to be put in her place and I'm the one to do it."

I pulled my arm out of his grip. "Don't you dare touch me."

His hand whipped out and grabbed my face. "Don't you dare."

"David." Mom said again.

"Corrine shut it."

"You have no right to touch me." I told him, wishing I hadn't have left Matt.

"I'm your father, I have every right."

I took a deep breath. "My father is dead. Your nothing to me."

I expected the worst, I really did, but he let go of my face and looked at me with a cold look on his face.

"You know?" My mother cried.

"So you know." He said coldly. "Good. Now get out of my house and don't ever return."

That was fine by me. I turned to go.

"Oh and your belongings have been removed from the apartment. I had them disposed of."

What a bastard. All of my things, my stuff. I felt tears sting my eye's and I turned and walked out.

"Izzy." Matt said as I walked past. "Where are you going?"

He reached out to grab my arm but I snatched it out of his reach.

"Away from here." I snapped, not stopping or hesitating.

I walked straight out the front door and down the path.

"Izzy, stop." Matt snapped, coming after me.

I stopped. What was I doing, taking it out on him?

"I'm sorry." I cried, turning to face him.

"What? What happened?" He asked, pulling me into his arms.

"Please just take me home." I whispered.

"Okay baby." He murmured, lifting my face up and kissing me softly.

God I was so lucky to have him and as he took my hand, leading me to the car, I realised I was completely in love with him. He had my heart. All of it.

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