Chapter 42

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"Ready?" Matt asked, standing in the bathroom door.

No, I'll never be ready for this.

"I guess." I said turning to him.

He looked so handsome in a tie, although a tad uncomfortable.

He put his arm around me and led me to the car. The drive was silent, but he held my hand, squeezing it occasionally.

We arrived at the church and I felt a mixture of things. I was devastated at the thought of saying goodbye to my Nanna and I was scared at the thought of seeing my family.

As we approached the church Matt put his arm around me and at that moment I was thankful for him, I wouldn't cope without him.

We entered the church and I looked around.

"Sit here." I said motioning to a couple of seats up the back.

"Bella." Matt said. "She's your Nan, you should be down the front with everyone else."

Before I could object he guided me down there.

My mother and Christopher smiled at me, my father glared at me and Cara just about pissed her pants at the sight of Matt.

She threw herself at him, sobbing, I just ignored her and sat down.

"I'm so glad you came." She cried at him.

Matt untangled himself from her and sat down next to me. Cara promptly sat next to him, clinging to his arm.

He slipped his other arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "Are you okay baby?"

I couldn't answer him because I was to busy staring at the coffin, my Nanna was in that and the thought broke my heart.

The service started and I just sat there. I felt numb. I listened to people talk about her, I listened to Cara sobbing like a twat all over Matt and I listened to Matt whispering sweet words in my ear. He had his face pressed against the side of mine, he never moved the whole time, he just whispered and kissed. I leant against him, so glad he was here.

The service eventually finished and I felt emotionally drained. I sat there as everyone started to leave.

"Izzy." Matt whispered. "You ready?"

I looked around, everyone else had left, well except for Cara who was still clinging to Matt.

I smiled at him and stood up, he stood up too.

"Are you coming back to my place?" Cara wailed at him.

Matt looked at me and smiled. "Are we?"

I shrugged, I didn't care right now.

"Izzy." He said pulling me into his arms.

I wrapped my arm's around him, it was my turn to cling to him.

"We can do whatever you want." He murmured in my ear.

"Just hold me."

He pulled back and looked down at me.

"Now that I can do."

He brushed his lips over mine and I closed my eye's, enjoying his kiss.

I'd forgotten Cara was there to be honest and as his kiss deepened she made a strangling noise and I heard her storm out.

I looked at Matt. He was standing there, smiling at me. He'd given me everything, every part of him and I adored him for that.

I loved him, I had no doubts, I just needed to tell him.

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