Chapter 19

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I sat up. Fuck, what was that?

"Isabella, get out here now."

"What the fuck?" Matt asked, sitting up and rubbing his face.

"Shhh." I told him getting up, dear god if my father knew he was here my life would be over.


"Shush." I snapped.

I took a deep breath and opened my door.

"Ah there you are, Miss manipulator." My father said as soon as I stepped out of the room. "Didn't you learn your lesson yesterday?"

He stepped towards me and I stepped back.

"And I cannot believe you showed up at the hospital looking like that. What, you didn't think people would ask questions?"

He was so angry, I'd never seen him so angry.

"I had to see Nan." I attempted to explain.

"No you didn't." He snapped reaching out and grabbing my arm.

He was so quick, I didn't even have a chance. He started squeezing and it hurt, alot.

I closed my eye's, he wasn't going to stop until my arm was broken, I just knew he was waiting for it to snap.

"I guess I'll have to punish you again."

"Please no, I didn't do anything." I whimpered.

The pain in my arm was becoming excruciating and my head had started spinning again.

I couldn't pass out, not now.

"Isabella you know exactly what you did." He boomed.

"What is going on?" Matt asked, stepping out of the bedroom.

Oh crap. He was standing there in just his jeans, it looked bad.

I felt my father's grip loosen.

"Matthew." He said.

"Yeah." Matt looked pissed.

"Isabella and I need to discuss something if you don't mind." I couldn't believe how quickly he'd changed in front of Matt.

"I mind, I mind alot." Matt said, coming over and standing next to me.

"Does Cara know your here?"

Matt looked stunned.

"It's not like that." I said quickly.

Both my father and Matt looked at me, I avoided looking at either of them.

"What I do is none of Cara's business." Matt spat at my father.

It isn't? What did he mean?

"I'm sure Cara would be interested in knowing you spent the night at her sisters house." My father told him, somewhat smugly.

"You can tell Cara whatever you want." Matt said.

"But she's your girlfriend." I said quickly.

Matt looked at me like I'd said the dumbest thing he'd ever heard.

"No she's not." He said. "I don't know what she's been telling all of you but we are not in any kind of relationship."

I was shocked. They weren't together, at all.

"Now I don't particularly like the way your speaking to Izzy." Matt said to my father. "So maybe you'd better leave."

"You can't tell me when I can and cannot speak to my daughter." My dad snapped.

"Well I am, so leave."

"Isabella, what do you have to say?" My father asked me. He was daring me to agree with Matt, but if I did he was promising he'd come back.

"Yeah Iz." Matt said, placing his arm around my waist. "What do you have to say?"

Oh god. I looked between the two of them. I was terrified of my father but Matt being here gave me strength and confidence.

"I think maybe you should leave." I said quietly.

"Okay." My father growled. "But we will finish this conversation."

It was a threat. He'd threatened me.

He walked to the door and let himself out. Once he was gone I started shaking and I knew the tears weren't far away.

"Jesus Christ Izzy, what the fuck was that?" Matt asked turning to me. "What the actual fuck."

I just shook my head. I couldn't talk because I knew as soon as I opened my mouth the tears would start.

"We need to talk Izzy. We need to talk now."

I looked at him. "There's nothing to talk about." I cried.

And now the tears had started.

Matt reached out and pulled me into his embrace. "Don't lie to me Izzy, do anything but don't lie to me, you've already pushed me away, so please don't lie."

How could I lie to him, Matt, my friend and now he was my what? What was he? All I knew that standing here in his arms felt good, it felt right and I felt loved.

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