Chapter 26

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My phone woke me up. It was ringing.

I opened my eye's, it was day, but I was clueless as to the time.

Matt had one of his legs thrown over me, no actually half of him was laying on top of me and he was breathing in my ear. I couldn't move without disturbing him.

"Get the phone." He suddenly mumbled.

I reached over, grabbing my phone off the bedside table. It stopped ringing.

I looked at it.

"Who?" He muttered.


Why was Christopher calling me at this time of morning?

"Hmmmm." Matt mumbled, burying his face into the side of my neck and my hair.

"I should call him back." I whispered.

"Do that."

His lips were so close to my ear it gave me goosebumps.

I re dialed Chris.

"Bella." He answered straight away.

"What's wrong?" I could tell by his voice that something was wrong.

"Nanna. You need to come to the hospital, now."

"What happened?" I was trying not to panic.

Matt had opened his eyes and was looking at me.

"Just come, I'll explain when you get here." He hung up.

I disentangled myself from Matt and sat up.

"I have to go."

"Okay." He got up.

I started pulling off my pyjamas and grabbing my clothes.

"I'll take you." Matt said.

I stopped and looked at him. Shit I was standing here in just my panties, in my panic I'd forgotten all about him.

"Oh um thanks." I quickly pulled on a dress.

Matt disappeared, too get changed I assumed and I quickly pulled on my shoes.

Matt was ready in record time and we got in the car, heading for the hospital.

"What did he say?" Matt asked me.

"He just told me to come." I was trying not to panic.

"It'll be okay." Matt told me, reaching over and taking my hand.

We rode in silence the rest of the way and when we arrived I hurried to the elevator, as we waited Matt took my hand again.

It was the longest ride in my life and as the doors opened I stepped out on shaky legs.

Matt squeezed my hand as we walked towards Nanna's room. I heard crying in the waiting room and I looked in to see my whole family. My mom was crying, Cara was wailing.

Christopher looked at me and shook his head.

What did that mean?

I felt a panic rising in my chest and I stepped into the room.

"Mom." I said shakily.

"Oh Matt." Cara cried, throwing herself at him.

My mother looked at me, I could see the devastation in her eye's.

"No." I shook my head. "No."

"I'm sorry Bella." Mom sobbed.

No no no, this wasn't true, she was fine, my Nanna was fine, it was some kind of mistake.

I turned around to see Matt comforting Cara, oh how I hated her, I really did, so I left, I just walked out.

I walked to the stairs and I walked straight out of that hospital.

Oh god, what was I going to do? My Nanna had died, my rock, my only true family.

I heard a sob escape me and I walked faster. If I walked fast enough maybe I could escape this horrible pain.

I had no idea where I was going, but walking turned into running, I was running blindly, running away from everything.

I ran and ran and ran, I don't think I would ever have stopped had someone not grabbed me.

"Bella." Matt panted, pulling me into his arms.

He must have been chasing me, and I was glad he'd caught me.

I buried my face in his chest and cried. I didn't think I'd ever stop.

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