Chapter 27

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"Let's go home." Matt murmured.

We were standing in the middle of the street, I had no idea where. He'd let me stand there and cry my eye's out. For how long? I didn't know that either.

He turned me around and led me back to his car, he kept his arm around me and I kept crying. I didn't think I would ever stop.

He droves us back to his place, he was silent, just squeezing my hand every so often.

When we arrived I sat there in the car, I couldn't think, I didn't really know where we were and I wasn't sure what I was meant to be doing.

"Come on inside." Matt said opening the door and helping me out of the car.

I let him guide me, inside and to the couch.

I looked at him, I couldn't say anything, I just looked at him.

"Izzy I'm so sorry." He told me.

I burst into fresh tears and he pulled me into his arms again. I layed my head on his shoulder and just cried. It seemed it was all I could do.

We sat there until the doorbell interrupted.

"I'll be back in a minute." Matt murmured, kissing my cheek.

Thank god I had him, thank god I hadn't pushed him away.

I heard Matt and someone talking softly and I layed my head back on the couch, shutting my eye's.

"Bella honey." Matt's mom came in. "I'm so sorry sweety."

She came over and embraced me, bringing new tears.

She held my face in her hands. "We're here for you Bella."

I nodded at her. They were here for me but my own family weren't.

She smiled at me then frowned. She touched my cheek lightly.

"Bella, your face. What happened?"

I'd forgotten all about my face.

I wiped at my eye's. "It was dark and I ran into the wardrobe."

I was getting used to that lie.

"Silly girl." She said kissing my forehead. "Now let me go and make something to eat."

She stood up and headed to the kitchen.

"Matthew you can help." She snapped.

Matt raised his eyebrows at me and followed her.

I layed down on the couch and closed my eye's. They felt grainy and sore. All of me felt sore but my heart felt broken. How was I going to live without Nanna?

I couldn't imagine it, I just couldn't.

"What do you call that?" I heard Kim hiss at Matt. "And pass me the salt."

"What do you call what mom?" He asked.


Me? What did she mean? Was she saying I shouldn't be here? Did she think I wasn't good enough for him too?

"She needs me mom." Matt said quietly.

"What? Of course she needs you but I thought I raised you better." She sounded pissed off.

"Mom I have no idea what your talking about."

She slammed down whatever she was holding. "The bruises Matthew, I mean the bruises. I thought I raised you better than to lift a hand to a woman."

Oh shit!

"Mom I didn't do that, christ, what sort of a person do you think I am?"

Poor Matt.

"Oh, oh thank goodness." Kim said. "Well who did Matt?"

"I can't say, but they won't be touching her again, I can guarantee that." Matt told her.

"Oh sweety, I'm glad your looking out for her, she's a special girl."

I closed my eye's, I didn't think I was special, I was more of a hindrance.

"Yeah she is mom." Matt said, I could barely hear him. "How do I tell her that?"

"Oh Matthew."

What the hell were they talking about?

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