Chapter 41

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I could feel his lips on my ear, he was whispering, trying to wake me up.

"Izzy." He murmured.


I stretched, I didn't want to wake up, I was comfortable and I was still tired.

"Babe." He said, pulling me into his arm's. "We should get up soon."

I opened my eye's and looked at him.

"I guess."

I didn't want to get up. Matt was laying there looking very delicious.

I reached up, touching his face and kissing him.

I pressed myself against him and I was more than happy when he responded.

"Izzy, what are you doing?" He murmured, grabbing my ass.

It was becoming obvious to me that Matt was an ass man.

"Nothing." I whispered, running my hand down his back.

"Nothing, yeah right." He squeezed my ass and kissed me. "We should get up."

"Mmm." I kissed him back. "You better be quick then."

He rolled me onto my back, kissing me harder.

"I have a better idea." He told me smiling.

He threw back the covers and sat up, holding out his hand.

I took it and got up, following him to the bathroom. He reached in and turned on the shower, smiling at me.

"We can kill two bird's with one stone."

I laughed. "Yes we can."

He smiled and pulled me to him, kissing me. He pulled my shirt over my head and slid my pants down.

"Get in." He murmured.

I climbed in while Matt took of his boxers and climbed in after me.

He stood behind me, reaching around and cupping my breasts and kissing my neck. I closed my eye's and leant back against him.

He slid one hand down my stomach, between my legs, rubbing me gently.

I closed my eye's again, it felt so good.

Matt put his other arm around my waist and I was glad because a short time later my legs gave out on me as an orgasm ripped through my body.

God, it was so quick, but there was something about Matt, something about him touching me that pushed me over the edge.

"Babe, so quick." He murmured, turning me around and pressing me against the shower wall.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed my eye's as he slid his hand down my leg, grabbing it and pulling it up.

"Izzy." He murmured. "Hold on."

Hold on? Hold on to what? Better yet hold on for what?

He reached down and grabbed my other leg, pulling it up, wrapping it around his waist and pressing me harder against the wall.

I held on to him, kissing him as he slid himself inside of me.

I moaned, christ it felt so good and as he began to move I lost my shit....again.

His lips moved up my neck to my lips.

"Fuck Izzy." He murmured against my lips. "You feel so good."

He felt fucking fantastic.

I closed my eye's letting Matt do all the work and it didn't take long until I was close to cumming again.

I buried my face in his neck, clinging too him.

"Again?" He murmured in my ear, slowing down.

Oh god, he was teasing me now.

He started making slow deep strokes and that felt even better, I moaned loudly as my body shook.

He grabbed onto my ass and quickened his pace again.

"Your wrecking me Izzy." He murmured.

I clung to him, kissing him as he came.

Oh fuck me that was fantastic.

"I love you." He whispered, placing me back on my feet.

He said it so softly that I don't think I was meant to hear it.

But I had heard it and I felt my heart soar.

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