Chapter 47

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"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" My mother's voice, screaming.

"Shut up."

"No, I won't. I won't shut up anymore."

Pain, in my arm.

"Bella." Mom said, kneeling down. "Bella."

I opened my eye's, she was looking at me with a worried expression.

"Get up." My father snapped.

"YOU. YOU SHUT UP." My mother screamed. She looked back at me. "Are you okay?"

I took a deep breath. I felt like vomiting. My arm was throbbing.

"I think I need the hospital." I whispered.

"Oh god." Mom sobbed. "I'll take you. Let me help you Bella."

I sat up slowly, fighting the nausea, guarding my arm, the arm that I knew was broken.

Mom helped me to my feet.

"Your overreacting." My father stated.

I didn't answer him I just let my mother help me to my feet.

"You've done it this time." My mother hissed. "I'm taking her to hospital and I'm not coming back. I hope you get charged."

I stood there shocked. Shocked at what my mother was saying to him and shocked at the fact this time he actually hurt me.

"Here." Mom said, shoving a pillow at me. "Support your arm with that."

She ran off to grab her stuff.

"You're a trouble maker." Dad said to me. "Always making drama."

I ignored him and turned to the door.

"Come." Mom said opening the door.

She led me to my car and got me settled in the seat, ensuring I was comfortable.

"You okay?" She asked me.

I nodded, but I was lying. The pain was almost unbearable.

"I'm sorry this happened Bella. I'm sorry I never stopped him before."

"Not now mom." I didn't want to discuss this now.

"Okay sweety."

We drove in silence and when we got the hospital mom helped me into the ER.

"My daughter needs help." She demanded.

I didn't point out that this was the hospital, pretty much everyone needed help.

Lucky for me I was a priority and it wasn't long before I was on a bed being looked at.

"We'll x-ray it, but it's broken." The doctor told us. "Hopefully you won't need surgery."

I certainly hoped not myself.

"The nurse will give you something for pain, then we'll do the x-ray."

Something for pain sounded delightful until the nurses approached me with a needle.

"Can I use my phone?" My mom asked as she jabbed that needle into me.

"Yes, that's fine."

I looked at mom as she pulled out her phone and damn, I was starting to feel fine.

"Matthew, yes." Uh-oh, she'd called Matt. "Yes she's with the hospital.....yes there was an incident........broken arm."

She looked at me with raised eyebrows and I could hear Matt yelling.

I couldn't help but giggle.

"See you soon." She said, hanging up. "So he'll be here soon, but he's not happy."

"I love him." I blurted.

"Yes dear." Mom said smiling at me. "Of course you do."

I don't know what they'd given me, while I didn't feel any pain at all, I also felt the need to say whatever came to mind. Oh well, at least Matt was coming, my Matt, my beautiful Matt.

Oh god, somebody needed to stop me.

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