Chapter 32

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"You ready?" Matt asked me as we pulled up out the front of my parents place.

I nodded. "I guess."

We got out of the car and as we headed to the door Matt slipped his arm around my waist.

"It'll be okay." He said.

Whatever had been bothering him before wasn't now. He'd gotten over it.

Mom opened the door before we had a chance to knock.

"Oh Matt, I'm so glad you came." She said to him.

He hugged her briefly.

"Bella." She said, turning to me and pulling me into her embrace. "It'll be okay."

I stood there in her arms awkwardly. I wasn't sure what to do.

"Oh um." She wiped her eyes. "Come in, we're sitting out the back."

I followed her out the back and as we walked out everyone looked at us.

Well my father and Cara glared at me.

"Sit. I'll get you two a drink." Mom said.

I looked around and headed to a seat that wasn't close to Cara or my father.

"Oh Matthew." Cara said as we sat down. "I'm glad your here."

She completely ignored me but I wasn't surprised.

He just smiled and nodded his head. Everything felt so awkward.

Mom came back out and placed drinks in front of us.

"How are you feeling Isabella?" She asked, sitting next to me.

I shrugged and I felt like crying again.

"We need to discuss arrangements Bella, you were close to Nan so I'd like your opinion."

My mother was asking for my opinion?

"For godsake Corrine." My father snapped. "That can wait, I need to speak to Isabella in private."

He stood up and glared at Matt.

"Not now David." My mother said.

"Yes now." He growled. "You, come with me."

I stood up, Matt grabbed my hand.

"It's okay." I whispered to him.

I turned and followed my father, I mean what would he do while everyone was here?

He went into the living room and as I walked in he turned suddenly. I stepped back.

"Enough is enough." He snapped. "I won't have Cara unhappy."

"I'm not making her unhappy."

He laughed sarcastically. "Your all over Matthew and frankly it's embarrassing too watch. It's plain to everyone he has no interest in you."

"I know that." I told him. Of course I knew that. Why would he have any interest in me?

"So leave him alone. Let him and Cara be together in peace."

I was confused. I didn't know what to think. Did Matt and Cara have a thing or didn't they?

"Okay." I whispered.

"Good. Now." He took a step towards me, grabbing my face and making me look at him. "Your not really wanted at this lunch so I suggest you leave. Leave now and leave quietly."

I nodded. I wasn't going to argue.

"And it would be best if you didn't come to the funeral."

"What?" I cried.

"Shutup." He snapped. "You heard me. Stay away. Now go."

I walked to the door, crying. How could I not go to Nanna's funeral? How could I not say goodbye?

I closed the door behind me and stood on the steps crying. This was so unfair and it hurt.

I started down the path when I heard the door open behind me.

"Izzy." Matt called, walking to me. "What happened?"

"He's so cruel." I sobbed.

"What did he do?" He looked pissed. "What did he say?"

"I can't go to the funeral."

"Aw Izzy, that's bullshit. Your going." He told me, hugging me.

"I have to go." I cried into his chest.

"Of course you do." He murmured.

"He also told me to leave you alone." I told him.

"What?" He pulled back and looked at me.

"He told me to leave you alone so you and Cara can sort out your problems and be together."

"Fuck." Matt said.

He took my face in his hands.

"Your dad is a complete asshole Izzy." He said, wiping away one of my tears with his thumb.

"And" He murmured, leaning over and kissing my forehead. "I told you, Cara and I have nothing, we never will."

"I know." I cried.

"Bella." He whispered, kissing my cheek. "I can't...."

But he didn't finish, instead he leant over and brushed his lips lightly over mine.

I stood there. I was shocked, but it felt nice and I closed my eye's, savoring the kiss, and as I stood there he pressed his lips gently too mine again.

Oh god, it felt so nice.

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