Chapter 17

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"What happened?" The doctor asked, peering at my face.

I was back in the waiting room, the other's were in with Nan, and the nurse and stupid Matt had convinced some doctor to look at my face.

"It was dark and I ran into the wardrobe." I quickly explained.

"Hmmm." He glared at Matt.

Crap, he thought Matt did this. I'd feel sorry for Matt but he was an asshole who dated my bitch sister so I had zero sympathy for him.

"I don't think your cheek bone is broken, but still." The doctor said. "You need to go home and rest."

No way.

"I'm not leaving Nanna."

"Now your Nanna is stable. She's sedated so she'll be asleep for the rest of the night and we'll start waking her up tomorrow and go from there."

I started crying again, I didn't want to leave her at all.

"I can't."

I looked up to see my father glaring at me and it terrified me.

"Well you are." He announced. "No arguments and I'll personally call you if anything changes with your Nanna."

"Fine." I said wiping at my face.

I pulled my keys out of my bag and stood up. Suddenly I was tired, exhausted.

"I'm going." I told anyone who bothered listening, but let's be honest, nobody heard.

I headed for the door. Matt was whispering furiously with the doctor, but why did I care?

"Izzy." He called walking over and grabbing my keys. "You shouldn't drive."

I looked at him. "Just give me the keys."


The doctor walked back in and handed Matt something in a little envelope.

"How am I supposed to get home?"

"Chris and Cara came with me so they can take your car and I'll take you." He told me.

"But Matthew." Cara said, protesting.

No doubt she would complain about it to my father and no doubt I would need to be punished for it.

Suddenly I felt sick. I couldn't go through that again.

"I'll be fine." I told Matt, glancing nervously at my father.

"Come on." He said putting his arm around me and guiding me out the door. "I guess we'll see you all tomorrow." He told the other's.

Jesus, Cara's face.

I gave up protesting and let him lead me to his car, where I got in and closed my eye's.

"Isabella." Matt said softly, leaving the parking lot. "What happened?"

"The wardrobe." I said, in an unfriendly tone.

He sighed and just continued driving in silence.

We got to my place and I climbed out, turning to thank him but he was getting out too.

"I'll be fine." I told him.

"No you won't." He replied.

What could I do?

I opened my door and walked inside, Matt following me. I put my bag down and that was it. I went to pieces.

"What if she dies." I cried.

"No Izzy, don't think like that."

I turned and went into my bedroom, throwing myself on my bed, crying.

"Here." Matt said, handing me the envelope and a glass of water. "It's just something to help you sleep."

Sleep? I couldn't sleep.

"I can't sleep, what if something happens?"

"Izzy, Nan will be fine." He told me.

Nan? I was talking about my father coming over while I was asleep.


"Take it. I'll stay on the couch."

I looked at it, maybe I could use a good sleep, a few hours away from this pain would be nice.

I took it quickly and went into the bathroom and got changed. I layed on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Just call me if you need me." Matt said, turning the light off.

Need him? He was the reason I was too scared to fall asleep.

And Nan. Just the thought of her brought a fresh batch of tears and I curled myself into a ball and sobbed into my pillow.

If she died I would die. I wouldn't have anything left.

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