Chapter 43

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Matt took my hand and led me out of the church. Everyone was just sort of standing around talking.

I looked around. Cara was crying and my father was comforting her. He glared at me, I glared back, I didn't care anymore, I had Matt and so my father could kiss my ass.

I watched my mother approach us. She hugged me then Matt.

"Are you coming back to the house?" She asked.

"I guess." I told her.

Matt squeezed my hand. I glanced at him and smiled.

"Good. I'm glad. I'll see you there." She hugged me again and walked off to my father.

"You okay?" Matt asked.

I turned to him, nodding and smiling.

"Come here." I said reaching up and grabbing his tie.

I loosened it, slipping it over his head. He smiled and started rolling the sleeves of his shirt up.

"Better?" I asked.

He brushed his lips across mine. "Much. Ready?"

I nodded and we headed to the car.

"Hey." Someone called.

I turned around and saw Christopher walking towards us.

"Can I ride with you?" He asked.

I looked at Matt and shrugged.

Matt unlocked the car and we all got in.

"How are you Bella?" Chris asked as Matt started driving.

I reached over and put my hand on Matt's leg. "Okay."

"Matt? What about you?"

Matt took hold of my hand. "Good, what about yourself?"

Chris went silent for a moment, but when he answered, it all came running out.

"I'm sick of everything to be honest. And Cara, she's so pathetic, I'm so over her complaining, she always gets her own way. It makes me sick, I don't even know why dad thinks the sun shines out of her ass. She's a bitch. Plain and simple."

Well then.

I just nodded, I mean I agreed with everything he said.

"And isn't she pissed about you two." He laughed. "I think it's fucking fabulous, serves her right for being a bitch."

I was slightly shocked, I never knew Chris felt that way.

"And when we get back to the house just like kiss and make out, be all lovey dovey and shit please. I want to see her pissed."

I smiled, I wanted to see her pissed too.

"Anyway enough about her. What have you two been doing?"

I opened my mouth to answer him when he cut me off.

"Ah yeah forget that, I could only imagine."

Matt smirked and I blushed.

Christopher chatted the whole drive, Matt and I just said yeah occasionally. When we arrived he jumped out of the car and headed inside.

"What was that about?" Matt asked, getting out.

"No idea." I said heading up the path.

Matt grabbed my hand, stopping me. He pulled me into his arms.

"You okay?" He murmured.

Was I okay? I was devastated about Nan and my heart ached for her, but I think I was okay, I really did.

"I think I am." I said, smiling at him.

"Good." He whispered. "Now do you think we can take a minute to do all that lovey dovey shit before we go in?"

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I think so."

I was okay, I thought as he kissed me, and the reason I was okay was Matt.

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