Chapter 38

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I was laying on the couch worrying about tomorrow. I wasn't sure if I was ready to say goodbye to Nanna. I just didn't think I could do it.

"Izzy." Matt said, walking over to me.

He'd been and had a shower. I was okay when he was around, but as soon as he left I went to pieces.

I wiped my face and smiled at him. "I'm okay."

"Don't lie to me." He said sitting down.

I sat up and crawled onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Never." I whispered.

We sat there for awhile and I found myself getting tired, almost drifting off to sleep.

"I'm going to head to bed." I said kissing him softly.

He smiled at me. "Sleep in my bed if you like. I'll be in soon."


I planted a kiss on his lips and headed into the bathroom, cleaning my teeth.

I climbed into his bed and closed my eye's.

God, it was divine. It was so big and soft, and it smelt like Matt.

I curled up, closing my eyes, trying to sleep. I'd just started to drift when I heard the door open and felt Matt get into bed.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I was in bed with Matt and I really wanted him, all of him.

I rolled over, I could make him out in the dark, laying on his side, facing me.

I wanted to touch him, I wanted him to touch me, but I didn't want to seem forward, I mean we'd only been together a few days, but god I wanted him.

"Izzy, I know your staring." He suddenly said.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I was just thinking."

He didn't reply and we both lapsed back into silence. I couldn't stand it anymore and I moved closer to him, laying my head on his chest.

He slipped one arm around me and put his other hand in my hair.

I closed my eye's, listening to him breath.

"Matt?" I asked softly.

"Mmmmm." He sounded sleepy.

"Sorry, go to sleep." I whispered.

"Izzy." He groaned. "Just tell me. Oh and I'm hardly going to sleep am I."

I lifted my head and looked at him. "Your not?"

"Babe, your draped across me half naked. Sleep is not on my mind."

"Would you like me to move?" I asked him.

"Yes, but no."

"Well make up your mind." I whispered.

"Fuck." He said.

I lifted my head and looked at him. "What?"

He didn't answer me, he just reached up and pulled my face down to his, kissing me deeply.

I closed my eye's and let myself get lost in him. I could feel his hands resting on my back, lightly at first but his grip was becoming firmer.

I was half on top of him and I had my hands on his face, kissing him.

One if his hands moved up my back and he tangled it into my hair. His other hand slid down my back and over my ass. He gripped it and gave it a squeeze.

Oh jesus.

"Bella." Matt murmured against my lips.

"What?" I whispered.

"God." He suddenly rolled me over onto my back, he was leaning over me. "Do you want this?"

Did I want this? God it was all I could think about.

I reached up and pulled his lips back to mine.

"Yes Matthew, god yes I want this." I murmured.

He slid his hand up to my waist, then up to my breast, cupping it gently.

"Good." He murmured.

Good, oh yeah, this was good, but it was gonna get better.

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