Chapter 25

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"So what do you want to know?" I asked quietly.

"Everything. What's going on, why you seem to go out of your way to avoid me and what the fuck happened to your face."

"I don't know where to start. You know half of it anyway."

"I know you didn't exactly have an ideal childhood Izzy, but you moved out, I thought you got away from them."

"I'll never get away from them." I whispered.

"Tell me."

I could just make out his face in the dark and he was lying there, looking at me.

"My family hate me. It's simple, they hate me because of who I am."

"That makes no sense Izzy. How can they hate you for who you are? And who did this to your face?" He brushed his hand lightly down my cheek.

I took a deep breath. "My father."

"What?" He sounded more than a little shocked.

"My father did it. He was punishing me."

"Bella your 26 years old. What the fuck was he punishing you for?"

I knew this would lead to questions, well he wanted the truth so I'd give it him.

"You." I whispered.

"Me?" He asked.

"Yes you."

"So what, your father hit you because of me?"

"And because of Cara."

"What does she have to do with this?"

"You really don't know?" I asked him.

How could he not know!

"Izzy I have no idea."

"Matt, she's in love with you and they think I'm trying to steal you away from her." I told him.

"Cara's in love me?" He honestly had no idea.

"Yes Matt she's in love with you."

"Okay but why this?" He touched my cheek again.

"Oh apparently I'm a slut who's sleeping with you and trying to steal you away from her."



"That's ridiculous Izzy."

I sighed, he was right, the thought of me and him together was ridiculous.

"Fuck." He said.


"This is my fault, that prick hit you because of me."

"Matt if it wasn't you he would have found another reason." And that was the truth. "Everything I do in their eyes is wrong, I can't do anything right." I could feel tears coming. "I'm stupid, I'm an embarrassment, I'm ugly."

"No, that's not true." He pulled me to him. "None of that is true. He has no reason to lay a hand on you."

"Wanna hear something even weirder?" I cried.

"I want you to tell me everything."

"He's not even my father." I sobbed. "Didn't you ever wonder why I looked so different to Chris and Cara Matt, the ugly one. I have a different father."

"No no Izzy." He kissed my forehead. "Your beautiful, honestly."

I wish I could believe him.

I layed there crying into his chest for awhile until Matt broke the silence.

"What about your real father?"

"Dead, an accident. Oh Matt my life could have been so much better." I felt horrible, miserable, broken.

"Maybe, maybe not." He whispered.

"It couldn't have been any worse than it is."

"You probably wouldn't know me." He said quietly.

That was true, it was our father's who had worked together.

"Maybe I would still know you, as a fan anyway."

We layed there, not saying anything and my crying finally slowed down enough for me to start to drift to sleep.

"He won't do it again Izzy." Matt said suddenly.


"He won't touch you again. I won't let him."

I smiled into his chest. I felt better now I'd told someone. I was glad the person I'd told was Matt, even if he did give me butterflies in my stomach, he'd look out for me, I could always rely on him.

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