Chapter 21

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I spent the rest of the day between the waiting room and Nanna's room, avoiding my family and trying to avoid Matt. He was making it very hard, everytime I turned around he was there. I was also trying to avoid the feelings I had when he touched me, I didn't need that complication in my life, not feelings toward a friend and definitely not feelings towards the guy my sister was so obviously in love with.

Early evening I'd had enough. I was tired and I just wanted sleep and some time to process everything.

"I think I'll go." I told everyone.

My mother stood up and hugged me briefly. "She'll be okay."

I didn't answer, I was too shocked that my mother hugged me.

Cara and my father glared at me and Chris smiled.

I turned towards the elevator and waited.

"So." Matt said.

Couldn't he leave me alone?

"Go back Matt, I'll be fine."

The doors opened and I stepped in, looking at him. "I'm fine."

I waited for the doors to shut, Matt had his hands in his pockets looking at me and just before the doors shut he stepped in.

"You don't get out of it that easy Izzy." He told me. "You promised you'd tell me what was going on."

"I'm tired Matt, please, can we do it tomorrow?"

"Yeah we can."

Oh thank god.

"But." He started. "We'll go to your place, pick up some stuff for you, then go to my place."

"What? No Matt."

"Look Izzy, your obviously avoiding telling me what's happening." He said. "Actually your obviously avoiding me altogether, but the fact is something is going on, you can't hide it, I see your face."

I looked down at my feet. I'd forgotten about my face for awhile.

"So." He continued. "Your staying at my place. I'm not going to jump to conclusions, but I don't think your safe at your place."

The doors opened and I stepped out.

I was too tired to argue. "Okay."

I agreed to go to his place, and honestly, I felt better about it, I knew if I was at Matt's there would be no surprise visits from my father.

We drove in silence to my place and I grabbed some stuff beford heading to his house.

He showed me to the spare room and I put my stuff in.

"Do you mind if I have a shower?" I asked him.

"Izzy you can do what you want, you don't have to ask." He smiled.

God I wished he stop, all dimply and shit.

I had a quick shower. I was going to get dressed again but I couldn't be bothered, I was tired, I'd be heading to bed soon anyway.

I got in my pyjamas and wandered out. Matt was on the couch, laying there with his eyes closed.

I looked at him, realising that he must be exhausted too.

"I ordered pizza." He said without opening his eyes.

"Thanks." I said sitting in an armchair. "I mean thanks for everything."

He opened his eyes and looked at me. "I'd do anything for you Bella."

The way he said Bella gave me goosebumps.

"Well thanks." I said again, trying to appear normal.

He smiled that dimply shit again and turned on the television.

I looked at it, I wasn't really watching it, I was thinking, thinking and thinking and thinking.

About Matt.


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