Chapter 46

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Mmmm. His voice.


Mmmm. He kissed my nose.


I opened my eye's and looked at him. He was kneeling next to the bed, dressed, obviously going somewhere.

"I have to go out but I won't be long." He said, smiling at me.

Ugh, why did he have to go out?

"But I'm naked." I said, throwing off the sheet.

"God." He said grabbing the sheet and pulling it back up. "I can see that."

"Fine." I grumbled, rolling over. "Bye."

"Izzy, your not a morning person are you?" He asked, touching my hair.

No I was not.

"Why do you have to go out?"

"I won't be long. I swear."

I rolled back over to face him. "Fine."

He smiled. "Please be naked when I get back."

"We'll see." I teased.

He smiled and leant down and kissed me. I wrapped my arm's around him and tried to pull him into bed. Unfortunately he was too strong.

"Babe. When I get home. I promise."

"Okay." I whispered.

"I love you." He murmured kissing me.

I layed there smiling to myself after he left, I already missed him.

I got up and showered, grabbing some breakfast. I decided to go over to Mom and Dads. I wanted my stuff back and I wasn't leaving until he told me where it was.

I drove over and sat in the car out the front for five minutes. This was probably a bad a idea. I should probably go and come back when Matt was with me.

Ha, I should have listened to myself because I got straight out of the car, marched up the path and knocked on the door.

"Bella." Mom answered with a surprised look on her face.

"I just want my stuff."

"Why didn't you tell me you knew?" She asked.

"And say what Mother. By the way I know about Tony."

Her face saddened at the mention of his name and for a moment I felt bad.

"You shouldn't be here Isabella." She said, stepping out and pulling the door half shut.

"I just want my stuff mom. That's all."

She opened her mouth to respond when she was interrupted.

"Corrine, who is it?"

Before either of us could respond he opened the door.


"All I want is my stuff." I said quickly.

"Is that right." He said. And god, he was so quick. He reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me through the door. "I'll give you your stuff."

"David don't." Mom said quickly.

"You." He said pointing his finger at her. "Shut your mouth. I'm sick of your whining."

"No." Mom said. "I won't."

I was shocked, my mother had never spoken back.

He glared at her and raised his hand. Oh god, he was going to hit her.

Whack. I lost my balance and stumbled. It was me he hit. He hit me. The force knocked me off my feet and I felt myself start to fall. Falling wouldn't have been so bad. Falling would have been good. But falling while he still had hold of my arm was bad,very bad.

All I heard was a loud snap. All I felt was excruciating pain.

Everything went black.

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