Chapter 7

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I stepped out of the shower, grabbing my towel. I looked in the mirror. I was absolutely disgusted in myself. I couldn't believe I was doing it, I was actually going to my parents place like they'd told me. I couldn't help it, the thought of not going made me anxious and scared. I guess years of being told to obey was deeply ingrained in me, so much so that even as an adult I had to do what they say.

I pulled on my clothes and while I was doing my hair I noticed I was crying. I couldn't stop. I was disgusting and pathetic.

I drove to their house and approached the door on shaky legs. I was in trouble and I knew it. I was going to pay for it. I wanted to run, I really did, but I just couldn't.

I knocked timidly and the door flew open.

"Get inside." My father snapped.

I walked quickly inside with my head down, so they didn't see the tears that were already running.

I walked over and sat on the couch. My mother entered the room and sat in an armchair, and as I knew he would, my father sat in the other. I knew the way they worked, I knew their bullying technics.

"I'm not sure what to discuss first. The scene you made at the party, your ridiculous haircut or the fact that you think your moving to San Francisco."

I wanted to scream. I wanted to scream at them and scream in general. But I didn't, I sat there looking at my hands.

"Isabella." My father snapped.

I looked up at them, they were sitting there, looking high and mighty, knowing that they could still control me.

"Your behavior last night was disgusting. The way you spoke to your mother was appalling, but the fact that you did it in front of other people showed me how much growing up you have to do."

I just looked at them. There was no point in replying, they didn't want my input.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

I shook my head. I had plenty to say just no guts to say it.

"Now apologise to your mother." He snapped.

I looked at her. "I'm sorry mother."

"Well perhaps it's the people at the party you need to apologise too." My mother said.

I nodded, maybe I did.

"Now you hair, you should have discussed that with your mother."

"Why?" I asked, it just slipped out, I didn't mean to say it.

"Why?" He boomed. "Why?"

He grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet. He dragged me over to the mirror that hung in the hall.

"Look." He screamed in my ear. "What do you see?"

I opened my mouth to reply but the front door opened and Cara walked in.

"Hi honey." My mother said sweetly.

Cara walked by me, smirking.

"Answer me." He screamed, squeezing my arm tighter.

"I just see me." I whispered.

Wrong answer.

Now he was enraged.

"I see a pathetic girl attempting to fit in. Well you don't, you look stupid."

I looked at myself, all I saw was a girl who was terrified and crying.

"Are you trying to be like your sister? Your not even in the same league as her." He started shaking me. "Look Isabella, your not special, stop acting like it."

"David." My mother said.

"Shut up Corrine." He snapped at her.

He spun me around to face him.

"Your not going to San Francisco, so you can forget that." He stuck his face close to mine. "This is your last warning. We were gracious enough to let you move out but one more thing Isabella and you'll be back here. Do you understand?"

I looked at him. I said nothing.

"Do you understand?" He screamed.

"I want to go." I said softly.

Wrong answer.

Whack. He hit me across the face. I knew I should have kept my mouth shut, I knew it.

Thank god a knock on the door interrupted us and my mother jumped up to get it.

"Now go home." My father hissed. "And think about what an ungrateful bitch you are."

I nodded briskly and turned too the door. Matt was standing there.

"Just the girl I've been looking for." He said smiling. "When you weren't home I thought you might be here."

I didn't reply, I just walked to the door.

As I got closer, Matt's smile disappeared.

"Izzy are you okay?" He asked quietly.

"She will be." My father answered for me.

I didn't look up, I couldn't, I just pushed past him and out the door.

My father was right, I was pathetic.

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