Chapter 14

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I opened my eye's. What the hell was that?


There it was again, someone at my door. Someone on the verge of banging my door down.

I quickly got out of bed.

"I'm coming." I called.


Jesus Christ, they were impatient.

I threw the door open.


Oh god, it was my father. What did he want?

He pushed past me, he was pissed, this was bad, this was very bad.

"What was last night?" He demanded.

"What was what?" Oh god, he could be referring to numerous things I did last night.

"You've gotten a little too smart lately young lady." He snapped. "Your getting a little too big for your britches."

I just stood there looking at him. I didn't say anything. I knew this mood, anything I said would be the wrong thing.

I swallowed and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

"It's a little too late for sorry. I've had your sister in tears all night."

I was in trouble, I could sense it and I inconspicuously took a step back, trying to get out of his arms reach.

"Your jealousy is out of control Isabella, but to try and steal your sister's boyfriend."

"I wasn't."



Oh god that hurt.

I wanted to run, I really did because I'd been here so many times before, I knew things were going to get worse before they got better.

"You've got one week to move back home, where I can keep an eye on you." He snarled.

"No dad, I'm really sorry, I promise I won't do anything like that again." I was trying not to cry and failing.

"It's a bit late don't you think?"

"No, honestly."


That one hurt and I felt my head spin. I was pretty sure he'd used his fist that time.

"You are moving back home you little slut."

Oh I knew this would happen. Why did Matt have to sit wth me, why did he do it?

"Yes." I whispered.



This time I saw stars and now I could feel blood trickling down my face.

"I said yes Daddy."

"Good." He suddenly lunged at me, grabbing me around the throat. "And you will apologise to your sister."

He pushed me back until my head smacked against the wall.

"Honestly Isabella, you threw yourself at Matthew, it was pathetic. You once again embarrassed us all. Including poor Matt."

This time tears ran down my cheeks, Matt had told them I'd embarrassed him. This was the worst thing, his betrayal. I thought he understood what I went through, what my life was, I'd spent years running to him, but now even he had turned against me.

"I'll apologise." I cried.

"Good. You deserve some sort of punishment Isabella but I'll have to think on that. Until then." Slap. "This will do."

He turned, walked out and slammed the door behind him.

I stood there shaking, to scared to move incase he came back.

I put my hand up to my face. It was already swelling and when I look at my hand there was blood.

I sobbed and slid down the wall. I couldn't win. It didn't matter what I did, it was always going to be the wrong thing.

I sat there crying for maybe five minutes then I realised I needed to clean myself up.

I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, sobbing at what I saw.

I certainly wouldn't be leaving the house for at least the next week.

I cleaned myself up and crawled back into bed, I didn't want to cry but I couldn't help it.

I hated my family, but most of all I hated Matt. He'd destroyed any friendship we'd ever had.

I closed my eye's and cried silently and for the first time in a long time I wished myself dead. I had nothing to live for.

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