Chapter 2

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"Do you think you could possibly help?" My mother snapped at me.

I wanted to say no, but I didn't dare. "What would you like me to do?"

"Go and make the salad."

That was it, no please or thankyou.

I noticed her majesty didn't have to do anything, she was to busy swanning about, making sure everyone was paying her attention.

I went into the kitchen and to be honest I'd be happier in here, by myself. I didn't have to deal with my family.

I started preparing the salad when someone else entered the kitchen.

"Need some help?" Matt asked.

I glanced at him then looked away quickly.

"I'm fine."

"I don't mind." He said.

Yeah well I minded, a whole lot.

"Nope, I can manage."

"Fine." He sighed. "So how's work?"

"Work is work." I told him.

That was a blatant lie. I loved my job. I was a grade school teacher and I loved every minute of it. I adored my students and I was pretty sure they adored me.

"Yeah I guess."

I wished he would go away, I had nothing to say to him, we had nothing in common anymore and he was dating my sister, he out of everybody knew how I felt about her and he still dated her. Or was he? I really didn't know.

"Your coming to Brian's birthday on Saturday right?" He asked me.

Go away.

"I'm not sure."

Yes I was, I wasn't going.

"Come on Izzy, you have to come."

"I don't have to do anything." I snapped.

"Look." He said. "I want you to come."

Did he just?

I looked at him. He was smiling, and god, his stupid dimples were showing and I know he knew I couldn't resist his smile.

"Fine, I'll come for a bit." I was such an idiot.


"So you have something on tonight?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, some dinner thing, Cara's coming."

You could've fucking asked me dickhead.

"Sounds riveting." I said.

He shrugged at me.

I finished the salad and handed the bowl to him.

"Take that out." I asked.

He nodded, turning and walking out.

I watched him. Matt and I had always been friends, we hung out together, even though he was older than me. But not now, not anymore. I guess I wasn't the right class of person for him anymore. I wasn't the right class of person for my whole family.

Snap out of it, I told myself, no feeling sorry for myself. My life was what it was and I'd dealt with it and I would continue dealing with it.

I stepped outside. Matt was sitting next to Cara and she was swooning all over him.

Now that I couldn't deal with.

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