Chapter 22

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The rest of the evening was spent sitting on the couch eating pizza and watching television. We didn't talk much, I guess we were both tired.

As I sat there I felt myself drifting off to sleep, I really needed to go to bed.

"Izzy." Matt said softly.

His voice was so close and I jumped and opened my eye's.

"Go to bed, your falling asleep."

"Hmmmm." I said, closing my eyes again. I was comfortable here on the couch.

"Do you want me to carry you to bed?" He asked quietly.

What?? No.

I opened my eye's and sat up quickly.

"It's fine." I told him, standing up.

"Well I'm here if you need me okay." He said.

"Thanks Matt." I smiled at him. "Goodnight."

"Izzy." He said, pulling me into his embrace. "Everything will be okay"

Oh now why did he have to go and do that?

"I hope so." I said hugging him briefly and pulling away.

He smiled at me, all dimply again for fuck sake.

"Goodnight Izzy."

I smiled and headed to my room.

I cleaned my teeth, turned off my light and climbed into bed. You'd think I would fall straight to sleep but I couldn't, I started thinking instead.

Why was I suddenly drawn to Matt? I mean why now?

I thought about it, maybe it was because he was being so attentive towards me and maybe it was because I'd felt so alone that I just needed somebody and Matt happened to be around.

I groaned, whatever it was I needed to get over it because the only person who would get hurt here was me.

I closed my eye's and finally drifted off to sleep.

Voices woke me up, I opened my eye's, it was daylight.

"Can I wake her?"

"No Brian, god, she needs sleep."

"Look at you, all domesticated, making breakfast."

"Shutup dickhead."

So Brian was here.

I rolled over and looked at the time. Holy crap, it was almost 10am, I needed to get to the hospital.

I got up used the bathroom then headed to the kitchen.

Brian was sitting at the bench and Matt was cooking.

"Well hey there." Brian said to me.

"Morning." I replied.

"Hey." Matt said smiling.

God damn it.

"Can you take me to the hospital?" I asked him.

"Of course, we'll eat and go."

I nodded and sat next to Brian. "Okay, and thanks again Matt."

Matt walked over and put a plate in front of me, kissing the top of my head.

"I'll do anything Bella." He told me.

Did he have to do that?

I glanced at Brian, he smiled and winked.


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