Chapter 57

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Matt's POV

I pulled up out the front of Christophers place, but I sat in the car for another five minutes.
I was scared, scared that Izzy would tell me to get lost, to go away. Scared that Izzy would live her life without me in it.
Finally I managed to drag myself to the door and I rung the bell and waited. I heard footsteps approaching and the door opened, revealing Izzy's mom, looking a little frazzled.
"Oh thank god Matt." She gushed grabbing my arm and practically pulling me in the door. "I've never been so happy to see someone in my life."
"Is she okay?" I asked.
"Of course she's not okay Matthew, she has a broken arm and a broken heart."
"I know."
"What happened Matt?" She asked me.
"You know what happened."
"What happened to make Bella think you were better off without her?"
"It was Brian." And I was still pissed at him.
"Yes well he's already been here apologising profusely."
I nodded. "Can I see her?"
"She's finally sleeping, though not soundly."
Chris walked in. "Matt. Thank fuck."
"Language." Corrine snapped.
"Sorry." He said sheepishly.
"Matt go." She suddenly said.
She wanted me to leave!
"She's down the hall, second door on the left." She told me.
Oh thank god, she was letting me see Izzy.
I didn't wait to be told again, I walked down the hall and opened the door softly.
She had her back to me, facing the window, her arm resting on a pillow. She was unsettled, restless and mumbling in her sleep, but she was beautiful and although it had only been half a day I'd missed her terribly.
I walked over to the bed and pulled my shoes off, climbing in beside her.
I gently wrapped my arm's around her, curling around her body. She was crying quietly and talking, and I realized she was talking to me.
"My arm hurts." She sobbed.
I put my lips to her ear and whispered. "I know baby."
I pulled her closer, listening to her whispers.
"I just wished you still loved me."
How could she be more wrong?
I layed there, whispering words of reassurance in her ear. I wanted her to know I was here, I wanted her to know I wasn't going anywhere without her, I wanted her to know I loved her more than anything else in this world.
Finally she settled and drifted into a settled sleep and I layed here watching her, kissing her her face and waiting for her to wake up. I was taking her home, to my house, our house, where she belonged.

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