Chapter 5

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I sidled in inconspicuously, I didn't want anyone to see me, hell I didn't even want to be here.

I wandered over to an unoccupied corner and looked around.

"Boo." Abbey said, grabbing my arm

"Oh hey, you came."

"I could say the same for you. By the way your hair looks fabulous." She said hugging me.

"Thanks, I really love it Abs."

I really did, when I looked in the mirror I actually saw a woman who was mildly attractive.

"Drinks girls?" Adam, Abbeys boyfriend asked.


He wandered off to get us a drink and I went back to looking around.

"Argh, what the fuck are my parents doing here?" I asked.

Night now ruined.

"Oh yeah." Abbey said looking. "Sorry Bells."

They always managed to ruin my fun, my life really.

I spied Cara posing as usual and hanging off Matt like shit on a sheeps asshole. I couldn't see myself staying long, actually I was ready to leave now. "Bella." A voice boomed.

I looked over to see Brian approaching us.

"Bells, your fucking hair." He said hugging me.

"Yeah, I wanted something different." I hugged him back.

"Different, understatement, it looks fucking fantastic."

Adam approached us and handed us a drink.

"Happy birthday." I said to Brian, raising my glass.

Thanks babe." He hugged me again.


Argh. He had to ruin it.

I looked at Matt and smiled.

"I didn't recognise you." He said, looking me up and down.

"She looks great, doesn't she?" Abbey asked.

"Ah, I guess."

What a complete asshole. He guessed. I'd guess his ass.

"Something different." I told him in an unfriendly tone.

"Oh jesus." That high pitched annoying voice screeched. "What on earth did you do to your hair?"

I didn't answer, I just turned my back, ignoring her. If all went to plan, tonight would be one of the last times I had to see her, ever.

So we all stood there awkwardly.

"Oh did you hear." Abbey said. "Bella is moving to San Francisco."

"Oh is she just." Cara snapped.

"What?" Matt asked.

"I'm moving."

"What for?" He asked.

"Oh I'm telling mom and dad." Cara said flouncing off.

"Oh for godsake." I said.

"No Izzy, why are you moving?" Matt asked, more firmly.

"I don't know Matthew, I guess it's time for a change."

"Did you discuss it with anyone or did you just think 'fuck this, I'm going to San Francisco'?"

What the hell was his problem?

"Actually, I spoke to your mom about it. Not that my life is any of your business." I snapped.

"Unfuckingbelievable Izzy, how fucking selfish." He snapped back.

"My life has nothing to do with you." I felt tears in my eyes and I prayed to god they didn't fall.

"Obviously." He muttered, walking away.

Why did he do that. Why did he have to make me feel like shit?

"What is his problem?" I asked Abbey and Brian.

Abbey just looked at me and shrugged.

"Gee I don't know Bella." Brian said. "Did it ever occur to you that he might miss you?"

No, it really hadn't.

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