Chapter 24

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I stayed with Nanna until late afternoon. She was exhausted and I sat with her until she fell asleep.

Matt had been in and out of the room, it almost felt like he was checking up on me.

I exited the room and as I entered the waiting room Matt stood up.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nodded and headed to the elevator, I was too sad from being with Nanna to even acknowledge my family.

We rode down in silence, neither of us said a word until Matt was on the road.

"Mom invited us for dinner tonight." He told me.

"I don't feel like it." I said softly.

"Come on Izzy, mom wants to see you."

I sighed. "I can't."

I touched my face. "Too many questions. It would be awkward."

He never spoke until we got home.

"I'm sorry Izzy." He said, opening the front door.

"What for? You didn't do it." I was trying to sound light hearted.

He just looked at me.

"You should still go." I told him.

"No, it's fine, we can order something."

"Don't be silly, go. I'm just going to go too bed." Plus a little time away from him might help.

"Only if your sure?"

I virtually pushed him out of the door but he finally agreed to go.

I showered, had something to eat then went to bed. I thought I'd lay there thinking again but I didn't, I fell straight asleep.

A noise woke me up. It was pitch black, I couldn't see a thing, but there was definitely a noise. It sounded like someone walking.

I sat up, undecided whether I should turn on the lamp or not. I listened, the steps were getting closer to my room.

The door knob rattled and all I could think of was my father, he had the audacity to come to Matt's.

The door opened and I screamed, turning on the lamp.

"Oh fuck oh shit, sorry Izzy."

Oh thank god, it was Matt.

"You scared me."

"I was just checking your okay." He was standing there in just a pair of boxers.

"I was fine, now, heart attack." He'd honestly frightened the hell out of me.

He smiled, looking slightly embarrassed. "Feel like talking? "

No, I really didn't.

He walked over and got on the bed next to me. "You promised Izzy."

I sighed. I had promised and I obviously couldn't put him off any longer.

"Fine." I said, laying back down.

I reached over and turned off the lamp.

I felt Matt lat down next to me. I turned and looked at him. I could barely see him.

"So Izzy." He whispered, turning to me.

"Well what do you want to know Matthew?"

I felt him shift on the bed.

"Everything." He whispered, slipping his arm across my waist. "I want to know everything that's going on with you."

I closed my eye's. I wanted to tell him, but I didn't want to tell him. And why the fuck did he have to touch me?

"Take your time." He murmured. "I have nowhere else to be."

I took a deep breath, I would tell him, but the only question was, how much would I tell him?

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