Chapter 8

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My week was horrible. I was so disappointed in myself that I couldn't leave my apartment, not to mention I had a fabulous bruise on my face, put there by my father. I ignored everyone's calls, I didn't want to talk to anybody. The only person I saw was my father, he came over daily to check I was obeying him, to check I hadn't ran off to San Francisco. He would let himself in, afterall it was his apartment, he rented it to me.

"Your mother told me to tell you not to forget about tomorrow night." He announced on Thursday.

"Huh?" I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Your sisters birthday you idiot, is there anything you can do? Dinner tomorrow night, you will be happy about it." He announced.

I certainly wasn't going to argue with him.

"Oh and Nanna's home." He told me leaving.

Nan was home, thank god.

I picked up my phone and called her.

"Bella girl." She answered.

I couldn't talk, I just burst into tears.

"Is it that bad baby girl?" She asked me.

"Yes." I sobbed.

"Come visit me, I missed you."

I agreed and got changed, I was glad she was home, it would make dinner tomorrow night more bearable.

I drove over, for the first time in days I felt okay and Nanna hugged me fiercely at the door.

"Your face." She said brushing my cheek lightly.

"How was your cruise?" I asked, avoiding the subject.

"Fabulous, we're going again soon. Let me show you some pictures."

So I sat there while she went through her hundreds of photos, oohing and aahing over every one, I didn't mind, I loved Nanna.

"Enough of me, how have you been?" She asked, glancing at my bruise again.

"The same." I told her. "I thought about moving to San Francisco but that was a silly idea."

"Good, I would miss you." She told me. "What about your brother and sister?"

I shrugged. "They're the same I guess, I don't see them much."

Thank god, I added silently.

"Me neither, they never visit."

That didn't surprise me.

"What about Matthew, do you see much of him?" She asked.

"Not really."

"I guess the band keeps him busy." Nanna said.

"And he's dating Cara." I added quickly.

"He's what?" She looked shocked.

I just nodded, I didn't want to talk about it.

"So San Francisco." She said. "Why didn't you go?"

I didn't answer her.

"Judging by your face my guess is your father didn't agree with it."

"It's okay Nan." I said softly.

"No Isabella, it's not. I've spoken to your parents over and over about this, it's not okay." She was mad.

"Really, it's fine." I added.

I didn't want her talking to my parents, I didn't want to face the repercussions of it.

"Enough is enough Bella. There's alot more to this and I've had enough." She said, standing up. "I'm making us a strong drink then I'm going to tell you the truth. It's about time you knew."

I watched her walk into the kitchen.

What the hell was she talking about?

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