Chapter 33

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The front door opened and we quickly pulled apart.

"Bella." My mother called.

Oh god Matt had kissed me.

"Bella, where are you going?"



I looked at mom, she was standing right in front of me.

"He told me to leave." I blurted.

I glanced at Matt, he was standing there, looking at me.

"No, don't be silly, come back inside." My mother said. "I honestly need your help."

"Is that a good idea?" Matt asked. "I mean....."

"Yes yes, I know." Mom said quickly. "Perhaps we can sit inside."

I looked at Matt. "Should I?"

"I'll be here."

"Good, please." Mom started for the door and I followed.

Matt followed behind.

We went to the dining room and sat down.

"I need help Bella, with the funeral, flowers, music, you know." Mom told me, she was crying but I don't think she knew it.

"Of course I'll help." I said quietly.

"Me too." Matt added, and he slipped his arm around my shoulders.

"You knew her so well Bella." Oh god, she was really crying now.

She stood up and disappeared, reappearing a moment later with a handful of photos.

She placed them on the table and looked at me. "Help me Bella."

I looked at the photos. There were so many. Young Nanna, on her wedding day, with my mother. So many.

I didn't realise I was crying too until Matt spoke to me softly.

"Izzy, it's okay."

I turned back to the pictures, suddenly I found one that took my breath away. It was my Nanna and my father, my real father.

"Izzy?" Matt asked quietly.

I looked at him, then back at the picture.

"I can't." I cried, standing up.

I'd lost everything that was important, everything.

"Bella please." My mother said.

"I'm sorry." I sobbed, heading for the door.

"I'm sorry for everything Bella, I should have been a better mother."

Oh no, I couldn't cope with this now. It was too late for this.

"Bella, wait." Matt said, grabbing my arm.

I looked at him and shook my head.

"I'll take you home." He murmured.

I walked out the door.

"Matthew." My mother cried. "Please look after my baby."

Oh how I'd longed to hear her say that, for years, but not now.

"You know I will." Matt told her, opening the car door for me.

I climbed in, doing up my seat belt, I didn't look at my mother, I couldn't.

"Izzy." Matt said softly as we drove away.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

We drove in silence, well except for my crying, which I was trying to do as quietly as possible.

When we pulled up I opened my door. I wanted to curl up on my bed, today had been emotionally draining and I felt exhausted.

Matt followed me up the stairs and opened the front door. I walked in, turning towards my room.

Matt grabbed my arm.

"Izzy, I meant what I said."

"What?" What did he say?

"That I'd look after you." He pulled me close. "I meant it."

I closed my eye's. It felt so nice to hear him say it.

"Thankyou Matt." I whispered.

He smiled at me, all that dimply shit, and touched my face.

"Izzy, all I can think about is kissing you again." He murmured.

Oh how I wanted him to kiss me again.

I reached up, putting one arm around his neck and touching his face with the other.

"What's stopping you?" I whispered.

He leant down, his lips so close to mine.

"Absolutely nothing."

He kissed me again, and yes, I was right the first time. I'd never felt anything so perfect and so magical in my life.

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