Chapter 39

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Matt's lips moved down my neck and I closed my eye's. It felt so good.

"Izzy." He murmured into my neck.


"Turn on the lamp."

"What for?"

What was he planning on doing?

His lips moved back up my neck and he pushed my shirt up.

"Never mind." He whispered. "Help me get this off."

I sat up and he pulled my shirt over my head, I layed back down and he leaned over and flicked the lamp on.

What the fuck?

I looked up at him, he was looking down at me biting his bottom lip.

"Light?" I asked.

"Mhmmm." He murmured, kissing me again.

His lips made there way down my neck and when he reached my breast he sucked my nipple gently.

Oh fuck. It felt so nice.

His hand slid from my waist down my thigh, grabbing it and gently pulling my legs apart.

He slid it back up the inside of my thigh then he hesitated for a second. I held my breath in anticipation, then he rubbed me gently through my underwear.

"Off." He murmured, kissing my lips and grabbing my pants.

I lifted my hips off the bed and he pulled them down, I kicked them off, who knows where they landed.

"Your beautiful." He whispered, sliding his hand down between my legs.

I kissed him, enjoying the feeling of his touch.

Oh my god, I was butt ass naked in front of Matt. We were about to have sex. Me and Matt. Oh shit. I'd never imagined this, ever, oh but I wasn't complaining. I was falling in love with him, I knew that.

I reached my hand down and tugged on his boxers. He wriggled out of them, kicking them off and for a moment I wondered if they landed anywhere near my underwear.

For god sake Izzy, I mentally scolded myself.

I reached down and gently took him in my hands, his fingers were magic and I was pretty close to having an orgasm.

"Izzy don't." He whispered, grabbing my hand.

I opened my eye's and looked at him questioningly.

"Izzy." He murmured kissing me. "I've thought about this moment for so long, I want it to last forever, but if you do that it'll last a minute if your lucky."

I smiled against his lips. "Well hurry up."

He kissed me again then rolled over, onto me. I positioned myself under him, closing my eyes. I could feel his hardness against me and I wanted it, now.

He pushed himself up onto his elbows, one hand sliding back down between my legs. I felt him push gently and as he entered me he looked into my eyes.

Oh god, it felt so good.

He took my face in his hands and pressed his forehead to mine.

"Izzy." He whispered, so softly I barely heard him.

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him as he began moving slowly.

This was heaven. This was what it was supposed to be. This was love.

I closed my eye's and moved my hips in time with his.

It was slow, it was beautiful and it didn't take me long.

I moaned quietly and Matt pressed his face into the side of my neck.

"God, Izzy."

Oh this orgasm was never going to end.

I layed there, my body drowning in pleasure and as Matt begun to move faster I thought I might lose control.

He leant down and kissed me.

"You okay babe?" He asked.

I nodded and he quickened.

Suddenly he collapsed onto me, putting his hands in my hair and burying his face in my neck again, groaning softly.

I wrapped myself around him as he came, and I stayed like that as he slowed down, then stopped.

We layed there, wrapped in eachother, not saying anything for awhile.

Eventually I couldn't help myself, I had to speak.

"Matt." I whispered.


"Whatever that was, it was perfect."

"God Izzy, it was."

I wasn't sure what had happened, but it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever experienced. And I'd shared it with Matt.

I kissed him softly, he kissed me back.

My Matt.

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