Chapter 29

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I could still hear them talking, I could hear Cara, she was crying, I could hear Matt, he was raising his voice and I could hear Kim trying to calm them down.

I just wished they would all shut up, I was sick and tired of their drama and their noise. I wanted sleep. I wanted to mourn my Nanna.

I threw back the blankets. I wasn't going to get sleep here.

I turned on the light and grabbed my stuff, shoving it in my bag. I couldn't be bothered getting changed, so I walked out carrying my bag in my pyjamas.

I decided to just leave and I would call a cab as soon as I was outside.

I walked into the living room. Cara was still blubbering like an idiot, Matt was standing there with his hands on his head looking distressed and Kim just looked flustered.

"What are you doing?" Matt asked me.

I ignored him and just walked to the door.

"Izzy, what are you doing?" He asked again.

"Leaving." I said opening the door and stepping out.

"Fuck." Matt said.

"Good." Cara screeched.

Fuck her, I thought, slamming the door.

I walked down the stairs and the door opened behind me.

"Bella." Kim called. "At least let me drive you."

"It's fine, honestly."

"Bella." She said grabbing my arm.

I just wanted to get away from here, from Cara, from Matt.

"Izzy." Matt said coming out.

"What?" I snapped.

Just great, Cara followed him out blubbering.

"Your not leaving." He told me.

"I'll do what I want." I cried. "My Nanna is dead Matt, she's dead and all I want to do is cry for her, not deal with this bullshit."

Just great, I was crying again.

Matt rubbed a hand over his face.

"Can you give us a moment." He said to Cara and his mother.

"But Matt." Cara wailed.

"Enough Cara." He snapped.

She looked shocked at the way he spoke and I watched as Kim led her inside.

Kim shut the door and Matt looked at me.

"Your not going home."

"Why, why can't I?" I cried, wiping at my face.

"Because, your father Izzy, it's not safe."

"I'd rather that than listen to her bullshit. I understand that you and her have a thing but I just can't deal with her right now."

"Give me your bag." He said holding out his hand.


"Give me your fucking bag Isabella."


He reached out and grabbed at my bag, I pulled it. It was like a tug-o-war with my poor bag.

Suddenly he yanked on it and I stumbled, letting go of the bag. He dropped the bag and pulled me into his arms.

"Your not going anywhere Bella." He murmured in my ear. "Your staying right here."

Oh how I wanted to stay, I really did.

"So come back inside." He whispered. "Okay?"

"Okay." I whispered back.

He took my bag and my hand and led me up the front stairs. He went to open the door and as he did he dropped the bag and pulled me back into his arms. "Oh and Izzy." He whispered, his lips pressed to my ear. "Cara and I do not have a thing."


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